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The new way of looking at horse racing



Sometimes, very good artists can be their own worst enemies.

Sure, it’s great to stick to one’s guns and one’s art.

How far will this get one’s career?

Depends on how one does it and how often one plays hard to get before the artist is labeled a pariah and as the boy who cried ‘Wolf.’

For years, we have been hearing about Hong Kong-based Freestyle Rapper Gold Mountain.

We’ve heard him Rap and he’s excellent.

We’ve met him and he’s a great guy.

He talks a good talk and that’s all we thought it was.

Someone talked about a reality show based around him but that never happened.

He promised us various things, but never delivered on any.

So, though it’s a very different change of pace for him, we were sent his appearance in a pretty awful Cafe De Coral commercial launched last month:

Awful though it might and he looks uncomfortable as hell, it’s good to see Gold Mountain going “Mainstream” and getting his face out there.

It also helps pay the bills.

Apart from the spot for Café De Coral, there is also this new spot for VLT.

He’s finally learned to play the game- and there’s nothing wrong with that.

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The new way of looking at horse racing

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