As anyone who knows anything about Hong Kong knows, way too much is all about smoke and mirrors and keeping up pretences, whether married, in a relationship- and a relationship in the closet on the side- or being a big swinging dick in the food and beverage industry. So, imagine the surprise hearing that one of the most well-known names in the city’s restaurant business has either resigned or been given the boot of the very eateries that bear his name.

From everything we know, this larger than life character who made a spectacular comeback by reinventing himself after falling on hard times over a decade ago, has, again, fallen out of favour with the shareholders of all the restaurants that bear his name.
Frankly, nothing about the food and beverage business in Hong Kong is what it seems on the surface. The money laundering groups running losing propositions, we know all about. But we were surprised to learn that the ONLY club making money in this city is Magnum, owned by the people behind the Beijing Club. Magnum is all about ego and flaunting it and oneupmanship where, if one businessman orders ten bottles of Crystal champagne, the next table will order ten more.

When last there, what was very noticeable was that here is a club for the uber rich of Hong Kong who are regulars with their mistresses and wives. The usual chorus line of models on the make stay away unless they’re called if the VIPs are entertaining overseas guests who need Western by way of Eastern European company.
Whatever they’re doing, Magnum is doing it right whereas newcomers C’est La Vie are still to figure out who their customers are and dragon-i are trying to coast on days of future past with a younger customer base these days without the spending power.

Other restaurants and clubs better wise up; Hong Kong is in a recession, no one and nothing is what it seems, and we’re predicting more sacred cows being exposed and led to financial slaughter.