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The new way of looking at horse racing



(Source: Sin Chung Kai)

Dear Mr. Hui,

Sorry to say this as we haven’t met, but you have been making more noise than the supposed noise you’re trying to save those living in the Soho area from by attempting to close down many of the bars and restaurants in this area of Hong Kong.

But why?

Mr. Hui, I could be very wrong but you’re either a mouthpiece and puppet of landlords or you’re trying to make yourself heard by barking up the wrong tree.

If you were to read the Sunday Post, there is an excellent letter by a reader about the demise of Lan Kwai Fong- the rats, the squalor, the under-age drinking etc- and all happening right in front of the police.

In the same newspaper is a far more important story about eleven students from Hong Kong International School being expelled for smoking marijuana.

Perhaps it’s marijuana, but, Mr. Hui, if you and the police really wish to do something good for Hong Kong, get real and open your mind, eyes and ears and tackle the gaggle of Nigerian pushers selling cocaine to kids and anyone else who wants it on the steps leading down to Cochrane Street.

Look at the out-of-work yobs from the sub-continent, especially Pakistan, “patrolling” this same area looking to pick fights.

Check out 7-Eleven in Lan Kwai Fong and see what goes on there with under-age kids buying alcohol and smoking whatever they’re smoking.

Then take a peek at the weirdness going on behind the “convenience” store.

It will blow your mind- and that of the police- and those superintendents thinking they know what’s going on in Hong Kong by sitting behind a desk and working on hearsay.

Right now, your speeches and cause de jour reek of phoniness and a Pinnochio type quasi politician whose nose gets longer every time he opens his mouth because someone else is pulling the strings.

No more jive talking, please, Mr. Hui, and find another soapbox before we find out other aspects of your role as District Councillor of Western District, how you got elected, who voted you in and who’s really behind your agenda.

You’re way out of touch with the very district you’re trying to “save” and make better, so please stop making a bloody fool of yourself.

It’s getting embarrassing and also somewhat suspicious.

(Source: Guardian)


Hans Ebert

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The new way of looking at horse racing

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