With April In Paris becoming France In May- and at Happy Valley Racecourse last Wednesday and the next two Happy Wednesdays- we hope you had a small wager on Olivier Doleuze. Ollie, also a martial arts expert, and the only French jockey to be riding in Hong Kong at the moment, won race three of the night. It was our Omen Tip.
Being all about French Flair and French everything- wines, Creme Brûlée, cheeses, entertainers direct from Paris etc- there was also a great deal of tastemakers at the Beer Garden and Adrenaline.
We’re unsure if everyone was from France, but we liked what we saw and hope for an encore over the next two Happy Wednesdays. What was also good to see were those taking up the new offer of no admission to Adrenaline after 10pm and staying on long after the last race had been run while the always-great Jennifer Palor Band played on.