I’m like a dog with a bone when I truly believe in and what I TRULY believe in is that Apple provides a platform or a showcase for all the creative talent who have supported the brand and its products, created great work, but have nowhere to show it which will LEAD somewhere.

Uploading this work on YouTube or Facebook? And then what? A few views, some comments and then nothing else.
What some might not remember was that the idea of the Beatles creating THEIR Apple was to help creative talent- a noble idea which went down Helter Skelter with the Yellow Submarine when it attracted all the freaks and freakoids like The Fool, The Radha Krishna Temple and all those Apple Scruffs who moved into the Apple offices and became Occupy Apple.

This, however, was over forty years ago, but as anything which the Beatles created, it might not have worked then, but they planted the seeds for the future.
Frankly, the Beatles created music videos before there were music videos with their imagery for Strawberry Fields Forever, I Am The Walrus and the insanity of catching a ride on that Magical Mystery Tour.
In many ways, even their movies were one long music video, but who was to know it at that time?

Everyone was busy exploring as it was an open creative market where anything and everything was possible. The Yellow Brick Road led to Itchycoo Park and Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake.
All this creativity wasn’t done by apps downloaded from any Apple store.
It was downloaded from minds and created with the basic tools available- mainly that grey matter some of us have forgotten to use or else have become so lazy we need some app to start the creative process instead of turning off your mind and floating downstream.

Still, there is no stopping progress and we are way down the Yellow Brick Road with many Tin Men and a lost Toto.
Dorothy ended up living with the Wizard Of Oz and we’ve had our fill of movies and TV series about sexy vampires and zombies though Kristen Stewart can bite me wherever the hell she wants.

Perhaps it has all been way too much, way too quickly, but, personally, my feeling is that Overkill has created so much of everything that nothing really means anything.

We have become slaves to technology and where I really cannot see how and where Viber and WeChat and the now almost extinct Skype can monetize what they offer for free.

As for Facebook and even YouTube, the thrill is gone and even BB King has put Lucille away.
Whatever we’re looking for, it’s not here. There’s a great deal of, well, stuff, but who needs more stuff just to get stuffed?

This brings me back to Apple and especially its CEO Tim Cook.
After the passing of Steve Jobs, the popularity of Apple has eroded.
Without getting into Samsung and who’s winning that battle, Apple- and Cook- need a Sally Fields “You love me, you REALLY love me” Moment.
Sure, Tim Cook is now on Twitter, but still remains on the fringe.
We haven’t accepted him as we did “Steve” and we’re waiting to see if he’s one of us and, if not what’s going to give him a leg up.
From a creative community point of view, we need a new platform.
To musicians, what does a recording deal mean anymore if there’s no money to market your work?
It just means being under contract and busting your nuts. If and when you “make it”, the recording company steps in and takes their percentage- for doing sweet fuck all.
From having dealt with them for two decades, the sheer stupidity of 99% of music executives is mind boggling and how on earth they can work with business partners is the $64,000 question. I doubt there’s an answer.

Their tough demands and table banging along with the prerequisite of swearing to show “rock ‘n roll” to their underlings bullied into supporting their hundreds of “priorities” is false bravado which only worked for David Munns. Those today trying to be Munnsy, knock it off.

It’s 2013 and the bark being greater than the bite falls on deaf ears ‘cos working for a music company doesn’t have the net worth it once did.
It’s an industry of poseurs and losers -and musicians don’t wish to be associated with either.
Apple, too, has lost much of its gloss and here’s hoping they don’t do anything as plastic fantastic as bringing in some has-been muso to be its “creative director” or give this role to someone like Nikki Minaj.
No, the buck starts and stops with Tim Cook and what’s needed is something as simple as an online platform and showcase for new “Apple ingested talent” with the necessary legalese in place to protect the various copyrights.

From here, linking this platform to iTunes and sales and its app store and into the world of concert promoters is a given.
The music industry ranted about the 360 Degree which I never ever bought in and is now swimming with the fishes.

Now it’s all about streaming and downloads and swimming upstream for a nickel and dime along with the rest of the dickless lemmings, charlatans and those without one iota of creativity.

If Tim Cook can put on a white hat, see where it’s suddenly all going tits up extremely quickly and where there is no difference between a musician and a mixologist in a Club, he just might be able to rescue creative talent with all the technology to produce great work- but with nowhere to show it.