The news that ABC is producing a television special about the life of Justin Bieber before he became famous had me pulling up the retch bin.
What will they show? The life story of his Mum, who, by the way has a book to promote,and how she uploaded his videos onto YouTube followed by all that hype about Usher and Justin Timberlake trying to sign him up?
What bollocks. That was his current manager, the extremely shrewd Scooter Braun, who now also manages Gangnam Style Psy and Carly Rae Jepsen, spinning things outta control and creating a hype around this unknown kid from Canada who recently joined the Brat Patrol by pissing off his record label.
Watch the cookie cutter crumble as the Bieb’s new songs are crap and corny.

At least the plastic fantastic behind The Bieb worked better than the contrived hype of another Youtuber in Greyson Chance who was to be the first artist to record for a new label Ellen DeGeneres was going to set up called eleveneleven.

This was more bollocks and Ellen has become dated. Sorry, Ellen, but ramming your sexuality down throats and silly dance moves are part of the past.
What’s next? What’s new? It’s the same old shtick. Everywhere it’s the same old Nineties shtick and cons.
Then you have TMZ which is fucking dangerous cos it sucks the grey matter from people and leaves them to lead a vicarious life as zombies.
It’s a daily chapter of The Night Of The Living Dead that promotes mediocrity while building up nobodies and then cutting them off at their knees in a race to the bottom of the barrel.
Imagine fragile minds following what today is termed a form of media where anything goes and everyone is fair game which is not to take anything away from the NRA and their answer to everything that, “The only way to take down a bad man with a gun is by a good man with a gun.”.

So much for freedom of speech and freedom to think where many are so easily spoon fed, led and media manipulated by the likes of TMZ and outdated social media platforms where user-generated content has become more clutter for today’s Waste Culture.

Apart from Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Ben Folds Five, Winton Marsalis, Ryan Murphy for “Glee”, Bruno Mars, Alicia Keys and the amazing Adele, where is the creativity that redefined the Sixties and Seventies through Dylan, Hendrix, The Who, the Stones, Rolling Stone, Creem, Crawdaddy, Rock journalism, Andy Warhol, JFK, Marilyn, Flower Power, the movie “Blow Up”, Fellini, David Bailey, the Goons, the comedic genius of Peter Sellers, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, Bowie, Tamla Motown, Phil Spector, Frank Zappa and those four guys from Liverpool?

Surely, in a down economy and lost world we live in, this is when we need creativity more than ever? It’s so bland out there but few who are given the great opportunity to change this world do so.
Watching Jimmy Fallon and Billy Crystal recently talk about how “cool” Obama is and how he should grow a goatee and wear a earring made me think how much the role of the President has been devalued.

Hell, stop all the spending on these useless elections and debates and just put Denzel Washington or George Clooney or the West Wing’s President Bartlet into the Oval Office. Give all those donations to charity.
Clooney etc couldn’t do any worse than where America is heading- lost, leaderless, broke and where family values are lost. And apart from China, the rest of the world takes its lead from America and which is still seen as a role model.
Well, it’s a fractured role model. It’s Humpty Dumpty and needs repairing and needs great creativity to restore it to its one-time greatness.

This is not going to happen through more apps for saps, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, television and all the other technological clutter which might have actually not only slowed the world down, but has also dumbed it down into lols, IMO and sentences not longer than 140 words.

So while many dance to David Guetta who is on more records than anyone else and is one of the highest paid performers/artists in the Club sphere, and others try to justify the airtime given to grossly overrated poseurs like Nicki Minaj, Gaga, Drake, the Kardashians and way too many others, I still hold out for something as ground-breaking as Sgt.Pepper’s- made in five months for 40,000 quid- Revolver, Abbey Road, Dark Side Of The Moon, Pet Sounds and Ziggy Stardust.

It’s not just about the music on these incredible records. It had to do with the creative process that went into making them by true ARTISTS and which somehow changed lives by inspiring many to look beyond the obvious and the oblivious.
I still think of what might have happened if Steve Jobs and the Beatles ever came together.

While I wait for some creative Phoenix to rise from the ashes, the Stones and Sir Macca still rock on while Rihanna takes off her clothes and calls it music and a “cool” President sits in the White House and does many insignificant things but without a Big Idea in sight. This world can no longer depend on politicians for leadership and The New Global Creative Workshop must start up before it all becomes a TMZ world made up of puppets and clowns doing their tricks for you.
