All kinds of stuff about horse racing, yes, but also other stuff that we find interesting and which maybe you will, too.

A new broom for the Macau Jockey Club?

When even the horses don’t wanna leave their boxes and race- maybe they’ve heard the absolutely atrocious race caller- it says something about the current state of the Macau Jockey Club which has been allowed to function as a transparent “washing machine” for years.

But with big new changes planned for Macau, and the casinos and everything else reopened, let’s not be naive enough to think that, apart from the Macau government, the other powers-that-be are gonna let the horse racing continue to fester like a big zit.
Apparently, there will be a new broom brought in to bring some semblance of respectability to what is now a pox to horse racing, and not unlike what its canidrome became to greyhound racing.

We hope this new broom sweeps clean as many of us thoroughly enjoyed those long weekends taking in the horse racing in Taipa on a Saturday afternoon and the Tuesday night racing.
It’s a wonder we ever returned to Hong Kong.
Impressive lineup of world class riders from Europe heading to Japan over the next few months: Ryan Moore, Christophe Soumillon, Tom Marquand, Hollie Doyle, David Egan etc.

Andrew Le Jeune played his cards close to his chest, didn’t make a song and dance about it, and quietly moonwalked himself outta Hong Kong and his gig as a presenter with the Hong Kong Jockey Club, where, we think, he was very poorly under-utilised, and walked into his new position with the Kris Lees Racing Team- Client Relations and Communications Manager.

More importantly, the cards fell where they should- back to Newcastle and wife Alex and children Monty and Margot.
The timing of the move? Impeccable. Just in time for the Newcastle Cup and all the excitement of the Melbourne Spring Carnival.
