I somehow managed to see a very weird commercial for The Dog Whisper’s program where Lionel Ritchie’s Hello was rewritten to actually accommodate the words, “I am Cesar, The Dog Whisperer.”
Mr. Lionel’s video for his song remains very weird but this new mangled promo is just plain bizarre.
Anyway, this promo and the onslaught of promo spots for the new season of Idol made me think when someone might create a really new, fresh, original program for music fans instead of more television talent shows featuring, largely, karaoke singers.
Then again, do we even need a show like this?
Hell, yes ‘cos so much classic music needs to be seen and heard again so that the bar can be raised again and a knob like Bob Lefsetz can be reminded that Bowie released “certified hits” like Space Oddity, Let’s Dance, China Girl, Suffragette City, Fame, Rebel Rebel, Golden Years, etc.
The BBC, for example, are sitting on a goldmine with some of the greatest archival footage from their programs TOTP and The Old Grey Whistle Test and doing bugger all with any of this.
The Beeb is more like The Boob and those in charge have lost the plot whereas many in music television today- forget MTV which is more like TMZ or Empty TV- sorely lack the originality and creative madness of the brilliant Kenny Everett.
It’s quite depressing to think that someone like a Simon Cowell and his sycophantic sidekicks are the Kenny Everetts of this generation. But watching from afar and following the failure of X Factor in the US shows that the hype is no longer working and television talent show winners don’t amount to much and are reduced to co-stars to the judges. It’s all starting to look like a diva pageant and squat to do with music.
(Source: Digital SPY)
Surely there are creative ways of bringing together the classic pop of Marc Bolan, the Walker Brothers, the Beatles, Led Zep, Hendrix, Cream, Blind Faith, the amazing Kinks, Clash, Velvet Underground etc etc to a new generation who have never heard this music along with what is being created today by Jack White, Damon Albarn, David Grohl, John Mayer- forget his image as a womanizer, the guy is an amazing muso- Adele, Lisa Ora, Paloma Faith and a few others who are actually making a difference in music?
What’s missing in this quest to be relevant or pretend to be relevant like the way Lefsetz cons many into thinking that he is is history of music- all the great pop and rock and reggae and soul music that has come before.
Perhaps only then will music fans actually HEAR what music and musicians were all about without technology becoming the idea and when one depended on god-given talent and not publicists and designers.
(Source: Telegraph)