The news that The Donald will moderate the next Presidential GOP debate had us shaking our heads.
How? Why?
Politics and showbiz have always made strange bedfellows- but this borders on Vegas shtick gone bad.
This is reality television which not even Mark Burnett could have thought up.
As one political commentator described him, Donald Trump is a “vulgarian.”
He is also an opportunist who is a media darling with the Right and Rupert Murdoch’s “fair and unbalanced” Fox News.
They go to him for everything.
Remember them asking him about the Amanda Knox case?
Seriously, what does he know about anything?
His bark is greater than his bite, he is outwardly a bully, inwardly a coward and, as “moderator”, he will, as usual, rant and rail against China.
Note to The Donald: China owns America and most of Europe.
China has slammed the door in Trump’s face time and time again.
They have no need to do business with him.
And he cannot take the rejection.
Meanwhile, the likes of Newt “The Newt” Gingrich, Ms Bachman and others- except for the smart Ron Paul- in the running to take on Obama-san have mentioned Trump as “the perfect Vice-President.”
Trump’s bloated ego will not allow him to accept anything “vice”.
Still, whenever in NYC, these political toadies must visit him to kiss his ring.
And promises deals if they get in to the White House.
Which is not to say that Obama is squeaky clean and didn’t get to being what he is without some back-handers.
It’s nothing personal; it’s just business, show business and the absurdity of politics.
Sure, “Trump as Moderator” will “boost” television ratings.
But it will not help America find a new leader who will rescue a once-great country from the crapper.
Change the Laws and bring back Bill Clinton.
There’s then a light at the end of this very long and gloomy tunnel.