Seriously now, the lunatics MUST take over the asylum to stop this stupid wastage of OUR money- the public’s money- on daft ideas like naming the latest Hong Kong tourism campaign, er, Happy Hong Kong.
How many geniuses did it take to come up with this gem and how “Hong Kong Is Our Home”?
Happy Hong Kong?
Why? How?
With this government running the show, Hong Kong is bloody miserable.

Pick up the newspapers today and one shudders to read about some new case involving a corrupt local politician, the elderly being treated like pariahs, greedy landlords, spiraling and crippling rents and no one really knowing what Li Ka-shing is thinking about and how it will affect the stock market and confidence in an already shaky Hong Kong.
And what about the costs to show the world that this is Happy Hong Kong?
That dragon logo which cost almost $2m so that a tail could be added to it three years ago has now disappeared and replaced by a new logo that doesn’t look “happy” at all.

Meanwhile, Canto crooner Jacky Cheung warbles a dirge for a commercial which is a smorgasbord of cliches and unadulterated corn.
If this was created by a bona fide ad agency, they should hang their heads in shame and think of joining one of those useless government “initiatives” like the mis-named and useless CreateHK.

Come on now, the HKTA and whoever else approved this eight-humped camel, how much did this waste of time cost us?
As we paid for this crap, let us at least know the bill so we can fire those involved.
