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The new way of looking at horse racing


It’s hard keeping up with Jackie Chan’s mouth. It’s mouthing off everywhere and about so many different things, one might think that the Chan Man has gone senile and has been caught up in a verbal Rush Hour of his own.

Now, Hong Kong police wish to question him about his claims in a magazine that he used “guns and grenades” to fend off triads”- two guns and six grenades, to be exact.

With the media in China giving huge coverage about the recent tragic shootings in Connecticut which has America stunned and clamoring for new gun laws, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that the last thing the Motherland wants is a high profile personality like Jackie Chan boasting about his gun collection.

In the same interview, he condoned robbery of a bank like the HSBC as “wonderful” as long as no one gets injured.

All this follows The Chan Man speaking out against Hong Kong’s freedom to protest in this interview and for the government to restrict these demonstrations.

It seems that the one-time popular martial arts actor who has starred recently in a series of duds had forgotten him leading various protests against piracy.

A few years earlier, he got in a huff and was going to move Singapore.

Perhaps there is still time for this?

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