The huge turnout on Sunday protesting against the government’s decision to arbitrarily not grant Hong Kong Television Network license was one of the best things us, a very docile public, could have done- and which should have happened decades ago.

This might appear to have been a protest against the denial of a license to HKTN, but in my books, it was also a very telling challenge to respect the small entrepreneur and creativity in the city.
And here, I point my finger straight at Duncan Pescod, below, one of those typical government mouthpieces who went to the media and promised so much about CreateHK and a “worldwide search” to find “the right candidate” to run the organization. And what do we have?

A useless organization with its great leader being just another government-chosen local muppet from some other government-funded organization who couldn’t get a job as an assistant creative director in a fourth rate ad agency. It is cronyism at its worst.

Have you ever heard this head of CreateHK ever give a speech? It will make you cringe. And has there been anything more on this waste of time from Duncan Pescod? Not a word.
His name only surfaced recently as the middle man between that muddle involving the Pope, for Chief Executive Donald Tsang and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Duncan Pescod is the type of Government official responsible for agreeing or denying to grant HKTV a license- a puppet who does as he is told and is waiting for his golden handshake and retirement “back home” after his “great contributions” to Hong Kong- but mainly being the government’s Pinnochio for all to see.

The huge problem is that I very much doubt the Duncan Pescods of Hong Kong know what the hell they’re doing and know nothing about creativity nor the creativity process and naively believe that bigger is better and that money can buy creativity.
The Duncan Pescods of Hong Kong are the tools who think the sham and scam that is PCCW can bring something new and creative to television. With the executives they have??? Puhleeeze.

Has anyone watched NOWTV and all those channels on Repeat and the stations locally produced programming, all needing to be approved by a former HKTVB executive- and we all know the level of “creativity”- and corruption- at THAT station.

Over the years, Hong Kong has been taken for rides by those managing Commercial Radio, HKTVB, music companies and government Yes People like Duncan Pescod which is why we have an embarrassing music and advertising industry and a movie industry on its last legs because of crap talent and audiences “taught” to buy into this crap like addled and addicted lemmings who don’t know any better.

As the character Howard Beale in Network screamed, “I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore.”
Spread the word and DEMAND Change. Now! Enough time has been wasted.
