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The new way of looking at horse racing


We knew it would happen. Knowing the players involved, it had to- but we never thought it would be such cringe-worthy whingeing and whining which would make the most insipid soap opera seem as tough as one of those “Die Hard” movies. Nah, this new display of “Angry Birds” in a flap has now become a horse opera starring two very sore losers- along with their sore horses. Licking their wounds and playing the fucking horrible and tiresome Blame Game, David “Darth Vader” Ferraris and “Jungle” John Moore have gone crying to the media blaming everyone- except themselves- for not winning Sunday’s Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Derby. Boo hoo, boo hoo.

The HKJC should haul their asses in for making fools of themselves in public and for pouring cold water and crying crocodile tears over a very successful race and one which was sponsored by a very prestigious brand. In some ways, it makes a mockery of Mercedes-Benz Day and dilutes and puts a damper on a very successful day of great racing. The caterwauling and “The Wailing Walls” of Ferraris and Moore are pitiful. It’s a disgrace to horse racing and dogs around Hong Kong are howling at the moon listening to these two carry on, stamp their feet and come across like right fucking ninnies.

We like “Darth”, but, good grief, he DOES fucking carry on when things don’t go his way: He blames owners for moving horses, he blames other trainers for owners moving their horses from his stable, he blames jockeys when owners move their horses from him to another stable, he blames jockeys when his horses lose, he blames birds when they shit on his head, he blame God when the skies are not blue.well, you get the drift.

Same with “Jungle” John Moore. Reading today’s South China Morning Post and their comments, both men come across as girlie men and cry-babies and look and sound like right fucking ninnies. “Jungle” John whines about the “dawdling pace” of the Hong Kong Derby and how “this will never happen again as long as I am a trainer.” Oh, puhleeeese resign. What he conveniently forgets that he had his Dad’s Army of six runners and with at least two of them able to lead. Why didn’t any of them? Wrong instructions from the trainer- the man in charge of tactics and, therefore a tactical blunder and ow crying over spilt milk?

Gawd help young jockey James McDonald if and when he rides for Moore The Merrier during his three-month stint in Hong Kong  who, with his comments about the slow pace of the Derby and other comments which made no fucking sense has seemingly forgotten that his Same World almost won the race. With his whining, he has come cross as being a bigger sore loser than he normally is. Frankly, the man is a loser in any language.

Meanwhile, his “mate” “Darth points his saber at jockey Tye Angland and wonders what on earth he could have been thinking by not leading on his other runner in the race Liberator. Again, The Blame Game. Well, as we all know by now, it’s easy being armchair critics. Yes, Liberator could have led- but there was also a natural leader in that race in Bullish Champion. If Liberator and Bullish Champion both led and went hammer-and-tong together, “Darth” would be on Angand’s arse screaming, “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?”

Let’s also not forget that Weichong Marwing was under strict orders-from “Darth”- not to take Sweet Orange out wide- “at all costs.” Well, Marwing didn’t and stuck to orders despite knowing he could not win from where he was and which kinda shows the jockey not to be the smartest light bulb in the building. Order are orders and instructions are instructions and making one’s own luck is part of being a very good jockey.

If not, one is a Muppet and puppet and a bit of a dolt.

Speaking of which, Douglas Whyte and John Size had a very different plan to what transpired during the course of the race. Whyte had the guile, savvy and intelligence- yes, redundant but what’s wrong with repeating one’s self- to change original plans and rode a different race to what was discussed when he saw how the race was being run. He forced everyone to play follow the leader- and which separated the men from the boys and the winners from the also-rans.

We also cannot help wondering what “Darth” and “Jungle John” would be saying today if one of their horses actually won the Derby? One also has to wonder if all this moaning in public is a “pre-emptive strike” before one finds out that there just might be a mini-exodus of some horses- and some very expensive horses- from their stables.and good gawd, THEN, they’ll blame Richard Gibson for the move- if they haven’t already. Grow up, kiddies, shut the fuck up and train some winners.

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