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The new way of looking at horse racing


Why does horse racing need game changers? Er, cos the game has changed and is changing and will change forever in the next five years.

Those who cling on to the past are Kling-Ons as they have already got their parachutes and so can fiddle while their Rome burns. They are set for life.

(Source: Guardian)

They’ll carve up the bounty, get their golden handshakes and piss off into the sunset and retirement putting their puppets in place and pulling their strings from afar.

(Source: Media Mikes)

And here’s where the punter sells themselves short: Not understanding the power they have. And the power new mediums are giving them.

ONE Nationwide strike in Oz and think of the ramifications to the racing industry. Talk about a game changer.

(Source: Zimbio)

The punter would bring those Hunters- if you know what we mean- to their knees and a Punters Union would be founded with a Jimmy Hoffa to run it- as long as he doesn’t end up with the fishes.

(Source: I Nothern Newz)

Yes, we make light of some of the Game Changers we name, but this is because there are so damn few real ones.

Hopefully, you can read between the lines and right there IN the lines about what we are saying: How there MUST be a NEW generation of racing enthusiasts- owners, punters, jockeys, trainers, savvy racing officials- for the sport not just to plod along, but to flourish.

(Source: Michael Yamashita)

Does anyone REALLY think Royal Ascot was a success?

Forget the daft idea of taking Sea Siren and Shamexpress all the way there and returning with egg on faces.

(Source: Cagle)

From a turnover point of view, one hears it was a nickel and dime “festival” held for posterity and the monarchy and with most racing jurisdictions with any nous looking from afar and thinking, Hmmm, nice little show with some great jockeys and some great horses, but where’s the beef, where’s the turnover and did those simulcasts give us a return on investment?

(Source: Whodatthoughtit)

Yes, nice hats, but where’s the ROI and whoopee for the Queen, bless her cotton socks on her win, but, otherwise, eh, and Royal Ascot is already a distant memory.

(Source: Twitter)

As we quickly come to the end of 2013 and think a paradigm shift hasn’t happened and that, this time, after years of false starts and Ying Tong thinking by naive goons in Hong Kong and Oz, China won’t be the biggest game changer of them all, they’re living in la la land.

(Source: Live Guide)

The only people who can make this happen in “real time”? The HKJC. And it will happen sooner than many think and not just racing for refrigerators and pots and pans.

In a short time- and if it hasn’t happened already- the Game Changer will be the punter, perhaps even betting clubs and horse owners- individually or as syndicates- in or from Mainland China.

(Source: People)

This is where there are truly cash-rich consumers who make Nathan Tinkler- in his prime- look like having chump change. The rich tai tai eats Prada handbags for breakfast. The Tinkler ate a Big Mac.

(Source: Fox Sports)

These are the new racegoers that need to be wooed and convinced that horse racing is not some mug’s game for nickel and dimers, but is aspirational, exciting and of a Group 1 quality. This is an incredibly brand conscious consumer and one needs to play to their needs. Horse racing need them, they don’t need us.

(Source: Now News)

This is the market that’s open to change and where the female consumer from cities like Chengdu, Donguan, Beijing and Shanghai are very open to understanding more about the sport.

Why is there an HKJC in Beijing? For fun? No, for the future.

(Source: Chinese Luxury)

As we have often stated, HKJC CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges is no fool. He is a bona fide game changer.

(Source: HKJC)

He was and is a successful horse owner in Germany and could have his stayer Now We Can running in the Melbourne Cup.

He is today more Chinese than many Chinese we know, he is married to a Shanghainese, he is trusted by many Chinese in the Politburo, he will keep building a formidable team for the HKJC in China and with all this happening, it’s why racing officials around the world come bearing gifts and false smiles. And he smiles back.

(Source: Vip Dictionary)

Now, if only Sheik Mo would re-look at his Meydan white elephant and, somehow, allow the HKJC a free hand to manage or co-own it, we’ll see another paradigm shift happen- one we’ll keep to ourselves in an industry where “experience” in racing clubs is no guarantee for success and where new thinking from other industries are needed.

(Source: Sheikh Mohammed)

To bring new racegoers into a sport that has been mishandled by many “experienced racing men” to further their own agendas, the various messes that have been finally exposed proves that there is a need for something more than a new broom.

(Source: Ecns)

It’s time for a clean slate and a need to focus on those who can see and understand The Big Picture.

This Big Picture is knowing where the new revenue streams are; how to market a sport not only through racing publications and countless free tipping services and how all of this makes money, reaches the new race-goer who actually pays for these services and with everything made attractive enough for them to try the appetizer and stay for the main course.

And in China, they serve banquets comprising very many courses.

(Source: Just One Opinion)



(Source: Next Media)

Sarika is a full-time model and a part-time Racing Specialist for the HKJC.

What’s a Racing Specialist?

Well, like the name suggests, she knows how the racing game is played, she knows who’s who in the Hong Kong racing world and being able to speak fluent English, Cantonese and Putongua- and having a great personality- she can explain to newbies how to place a bet, that the same horses don’t run in every race and that the jockeys don’t design their “blouses” aka silks.

Last week a newbie asked us who runs the Shatin Racecourse so never ever underestimate how little many still know- and key- wish to know- about racing.

Few in horse racing understand this: Many of these newbies have other interests and a buffet of online and on-the-ground interests to choose from and where they would rather invest their time and money.

We, in horse racing, need them. They don’t need us. And when we win them over, the key is how to keep them interested.

This won’t happen by regurgitating the same old school crap.

(Source: Social Networking)

Has anyone still created an exciting horse racing video game with a partner like Electronic Arts?

Is there REALLY an app that teaches a newbie the basics of betting?

Why do we need these newbies? Without them, we’re left with oldies.

(Source: Yahoo)

Ascot? It anyone seriously thinks the world of these newbies stopped for Royal Ascot, they might as well pack it in and go play with the pixies. Many knew about the milliners than who won what.

(Source: Ebookers)

This is why we see the day when Sarika- she’s a great dancer, too- and her two Finding Happy Wednesday co-hosts- Justin and Natalie- have their own racing show that is nowhere close to being hardcore, but can show a more entertaining side of racing- fashion, the people, the different venues etc- and, sure, tips- and key- what the hell to do with them.



(Source: RWWA)

Hosted by David Shortte and with co-hosts Wes Cameron and Ritchie Bell, this three hour racing radio show starting at 6am every Monday to Saturday is constantly evolving- and is racing edutainment.

(Source: Twitter)

Sure, the show has the usual suspects- Hoss, below, Ben, Little Joe and Wong Sin with their tips and tats- but it also has some intelligent conversations about horsey and non-horsey subjects.

(Source: Squidoo)

The show and the channel is also experimenting and fine-tuning their customer base with that over-used term called social media, and they have all the ingredients to change the face and sound of other online racing channels, most hosted by real dozy knobs in love with their own voices and who go on and on ad nauseum.

Most of those running radio racing channels, especially in Oz- a racing jurisdiction with an alarming lack of any leadership and, therefore, no financial upside, really need to get out more, understand WHY radio is making a huge comeback in the US and Europe, or take some lessons in marketing and remember what Dylan warned about: Don’t follow leaders and watch your parking meters.

(Source: Illa Warramercury)

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