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The new way of looking at horse racing


By Hans Ebert

Seriously, the similarities between the music, advertising and racing industries are so eerily similar, there might even come the day long after many of us are gone when they “commingle” and become one all-conquering entertainment industry with a new level of creativity lit under the bums of those who still might have not got it that betting on a few races like it has been going on forever will just not be good enough.

(Source: Tampa Bay)

Of course, the big question is who the future race-goers will be and what their wants and needs might be.

This is why the HKJC created its Racing Club almost a decade ago and now also has the Young Members Club- the former for the hardcore punter who plays to win and the latter for those who want to know more about the sport and its players.

Interesting side fact about the Young Members Club is that it’s run by an Irish bloke named David Duggan, below, who keeps asking for a fork, and claims to be ascloseasthis with some Irish rocker named Boner. He has also started up the Dougie Whyte Fawn Club. Fork, indeed.

David Duggan of the Young Members Club at the HKJC busts a move.

Anyway, after that commercial break, all this is ammunition for the future by the HKJV and not knee-jerk reaction to put a band-aid on a festering sore.

Put all this together with the venues and what they offer and what you have are research facts and figures you can see, touch and smell unless a complete blinkered knob.

(Source: War Seer)

Figuring out this consumer group, how they think and how they can smell phoniness a mile away, should be a priority with racing clubs along with providing current punters with extra value.

(Source: Dennis Volz Live)

Added value is also something those blood sucking bookies in Oz who are as nice as apple pie to get your business and then even nicer when you lose, but who move the goalposts when you start winning, better start thinking about.

(Source: Costume Craze)

Winning punters are no longer ready to accept rubbish like, “Sorry, we cannot give you best tote, anymore. Pick your tote.”

And “Sorry, but we cannot accept your business. No, we don’t need to give you a reason. Huh? What’s Stephen Baster got to do with what we are saying?”

(Source: The Bearded Man)

One major flaw in the music industry was and is its penchant for holding music conferences.

Every other month there was and is a different music conference somewhere in the world and where the usual suspects would turn up, listen to various speakers talk about downloading, streaming, Spotify and then have fawning sessions listening to guys whose last hit was three decades ago would drone on about discovering Madonna and KISS while during the Q And A Sessions, they showed how time had stood still by not knowing a thing about ring tunes and RBTs, new revenue generators and oblivious to the fact that CDs had gone the way of music cassettes. Or, listen to old fart American blogger try to prove that he is relevant.

(Source: Barbara Broido)

As naive bands played for that con called promotion, the same old music executives spoke to the same old other music executives and, after three days of back-slapping, back-stabbing and nights at the bar looking for any talent that might be game to get their flaccid mojos working, everyone returned home thinking much had been achieved.

But with no musicians invited along with no music fans present and potential sponsors, it was a swell freebie get-together where the industry spoke to itself and tried to second guess what consumers were thinking.

(Source: Writers Who Kill)

Now think of racing conferences. Who attends these? What subjects are tackled- and who would be doing the tackling?

(Source: Taumaoe)

There is an upcoming racing conference in Melbourne and the mind boggles at who the enlightened speakers might be.

That sweetie that is Little Pete McGauran, the silver tongued devil?

The Messara who will speak to the minions whilst walking on water and lead them out of the wilderness.

The Peter V’Landy’s Principle where incompetence is promoted?

Would there be ANYONE from OUTSIDE the inner rectum? Or is it more nothingness and the sound of one hand clapping?

(Source: Cartoon Stock)

Bruce Clark is a Speaker and his subject is, “What if I were running a racing club.”

It should be a short talk: Visit Hong Kong for a week with some marketing and betting gurus and learn how to run a racing club without the use of band-aids to hide the pock marks ‘cos it’s all a bloody mess in Oz and race-goers starting to storm the Bastille and those ivory towers in frustration.

(Source: The Akumalian)

It’s 2013 with even hardcore punters today being younger, technologically savvy and looking at winning in new ways.

Tipsters? Forget ’em. Racing pundits? Irrelevant.

Ways to win? Offer them all the data and software and hardware like the HKJC’s IBU tables so they can create their own DIY ways of winning- again, something the music and ad industries didn’t ever see coming and were hobbled by  what is a DIY World.

(Source: Babble)

Finally, are all these racing conferences achieving real results? Is there ever any follow up? Or are they just yygmore fluff and clutter?

Is it all another example of talk being cheap and action speaking louder than words?

(Source: Mind Flash)

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