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The new way of looking at horse racing


It’s been spookily quiet over the upcoming season of “American Idol” despite the new auditions about to start. The judges lineup has still to be finalized and only confirmed has been Mariah Carey as one of the replacements for Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler.

Meanwhile, Nicki Minaj remains very much a personal taste to occupy a judge’s chair. Plus, she is already making a song and dance as to whether she will even take up the gig. Nicki Minaj? A JUDGE on “American Idol”? Huh??? Sitting next to Mariah Carey for an entire season? Ever try to deal with Ms Scarey?

Personally, we’d like to see Pharell Williams as a judge- but would he get the talent -and would the songs cleared by publishing- be in the style for which he is known? Will lily white American audiences be able to handle it?

With Mariah Carey as a judge, there’ll be no problems finding young balladeers singing turgid and bombastic ballads. As for last Season’s runners up, nothing much seems to be happening? Any news on the brilliant Jessica Sanchez?

Seems like television talent shows- and interest in them- grinding to a full stop. And not a second too soon.

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The new way of looking at horse racing

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