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The new way of looking at horse racing


(Source: World Soccer)

We had to pause to regain our thoughts when reading the South China Morning Post quoting a local artist named Kacey Wong who was demanding that the Hong Kong Jockey Club clarify its role in the HK$1.8 billion Central Police Station project: “If the project is about gambling, then the Jockey Club is the expert. But since it’s an arts and cultural project, leave it to the professionals. The operator should be independent.”

(Source: Red Bubble)

As has become the norm these days in the city, complaining and much ado about nothing seems to have gripped Hong Kong. It must be trying to relive the Protest Movement of the Sixties and looking for a local Bob Dylan to sing Blowing In The Wind.

(Source: Wiki)

As for Kacey the artist, they were happy to give the South China Morning Post some negative soundbites how the Club were incapable of managing a heritage and contemporary art property in Central.

It showed how little the people of Hong Kong know about the Hong Kong Jockey Club, what the Club’s Charities do and have done for Hong Kong and how the words “Jockey Club” can create so many misconceptions-many bordering on ignorance- and with not even some in the media understanding how the HKJC operates.

So why does this perception versus reality problem lie?

Has it to do with the Corporate Communications and Marketing of the Club or the Government’s failure to communicate to all what the city’s largest tax payer has given the public?

To us, apart from the brouhaha starting up over the future of the old Central Police Station and controversy fueled for the sake of a story, what appears clear is that the promotion of the Club’s non-racing activities have not been effectively promoted nor communicated.

(Source: Nilkanth)

From everything we know, those leading the HKJC take this project extremely seriously and are doing everything they can to find the right leader for the project with the necessary experience and the team to build around this person.

This won’t be something as having the Government mouthpiece Duncan Pescod going to the Morning Post about finding a truly International candidate to head up CreateHK and then quietly hiring a complete unknown to the local or International community.

(Source: Sharp Daily)

And you wonder why CreateHK remains one of Hong Kong’s best-kept secrets funded by the public and with us clueless as to what it’s doing. Talk about lack of transparency. Talk about the REAL story.

(Source: Create HK)

Nor will what the HKJC will create where the Central Police Station existed be as furtive and sinister as that InvestHK farce years ago under the “auspices” of Henry Tang called Harbourfest which cost the public millions, left Michael Rowse holding the bag while others like the mysterious Ray Garman disappeared with the Golden Goose.

(Source: Drona Mobile)

The similarities that what went on behind the scenes of Harbourfest and the sordid Tony-Peter Chan and Nina Wang saga are just as vile.

At least in the latter case, Dr Evil was caught, revealed to be a serial charlatan and jailed.

(Source: HKEJ)

As for the Hong Kong Jockey Club, everyone knows what it is but, after all these years, equate the Club only with “gambling.” This is unfair.

If not for the HKJC, Hong Kong would be sorely lacking in many contributions to the arts, culture, the elderly and medical facilities. Not bad going for an organization “only good at gambling.”

(Source: Hong Chi)

This new arts and culture hub WILL be a success and with the right people brought in to ensure that everything stays true to the creative objective of the venue and what will become a Hong Kong tourist attraction.

Artist Kacey Wong and art critic John Batten who is quoted in the same story as saying the project has been a “mess since the government announced in 2007 that it would partner with the club to redevelop the heritage cluster” should take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

(Source: FormulaInvestsaham)

Kacey Wong should be assured that the Head of Betting will not be managing this project while it might an idea for the Chairman and CEO of the HKJC to present everything the HKJC has given this city to John Batten plus the writer of this piece and then share all this information with the public.

It’s time to stop being a misunderstood club and where its many important achievements are almost only visible on a corporate website rarely visited by those who are not gung-ho and hardcore gamblers.

Well, that’s the perception, anyway.

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