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The new way of looking at horse racing

It starts all over again on Sunday at Shatin

The gates crash back and it all starts again Another Hong Kong racing season is here Thundering hooves to bring the city alive After over two months that seem like a year

Lockdown and shutdowns have taken its toll There’s been a real lack of inspiration But racing always shakes off the blues It somehow brings back motivation

It’s the excitement of backing a winner It’s cheering on for the best It’s seeing everyone giving their all Never stopping to take a rest

Their competition is contagious It makes us challenge ourselves It makes us reach for the impossible That’s been collecting dust on the shelf

It’s about magic men and Zac attacks It’s about always giving your best It’s about looking ahead and taking chances Giving all the negativity a bloody rest

There’s much that can be learned from racing Like going where you’ve never gone before About riding boldly into the future And crashing open every new door

There’s suddenly a new found confidence It’s getting off the merry go round It’s about looking after number one And doing this without making a sound

So roll on Sunday September 6 Time to lose myself for a while Win or lose I’ll be out in front Couldn’t care less about the punt Only care about living life Looking up to see your sweet smile That’s the real thrill of winning

(Copyright Controlled: Hans Ebert. August 2020)

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