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The new way of looking at horse racing


Republicans, Publicans, Democrats, Aristocrats, Bureaucrats etc. It’s all becoming a blur. It’s all becoming another Mark Burnett reality show, but this one is happening for much bigger stakes and with much bigger knobs in the main roles. Whom do I trust? Rahm Emmanuel and Bill Clinton. No one else. They have real big balls.

Right now, it’s come down to ad wars. Obama “brags” about assassinating Bin Laden. That’s what the Republicans say. But has he- bragged, that is?

Have they forgotten George W Bush and his premature ejaculation called “Mission Accomplished”?

Was that “bragging” or just another Bushism?

If Mitt Romney could have “bragged” about achieving the same thing as Obama did- the final Okay DID come from the man- the Commander In Chief- you think he wouldn’t have? Fox News would have played this ad 24 hours a day and Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter would have done somersaults over each other and lobbed grenades at CNBC and Jon Stewart.

American politics like all politics and every politician have become part of showbiz- the phony attempts at anger, the scripted attempts about caring and the theatrical speeches. It’s the Kardashians without the big asses. It’s all showbiz. Showbiz is the New Politics.

Today, it’s all about who will be Mitt Romney running mate and some suggesting it could be Condoleezza Rice.

I hope so. At least, this “race” would not have already been run and lost. Condoleezza Rice is bright, she’s classy, and she can even get Oprah behind The Mitt and not make him seem so darn white. Hell, if she ran for the Presidency against Obama, she might even win. No, she WILL win. If George Clooney ran against Obama, HE would win. And if Jay-Z and Beyonce ran against anyone for anything, THEY would win. It’s all showbiz. Anyway, what kinda name is Mitt Romney for an American President? Then again, what kinda name is Barack Obama for an American President? Could he be The Man Who Fell To Earth? Is he E.T. all grown up? Is he Chauncey Gardner from “Being There”?

Listening to political pundits name a laundry list of possible other candidates for the role of Romney’s Vice President, my thoughts turned to Vice President Joe Biden. Remember Joe Biden? What does he actually DO and what’s he actually DONE? Got a new hair-weave? Talked The Donald into getting a hair weave?

Obama seems to send Hillary to do all the mopping up and deal with the Chinese while he stays home and makes speeches. And fuck me, he makes speeches- way too many speeches- none of which really make much sense BUT they SOUND good- especially when he flashes that Obama Smile.

Who would make a perfect Vice President for Obama? George Clooney.

They would be the most handsome politicians in the world and can create the Handsome Man’s Club for real. They can make movies together, they can be seen the most beautiful women in the world- forget Michelle Obama- and they own their own franchises selling anything- colognes, vodkas, beer, coffee, suits.

As for Romney, he desperately needs the Gay Vote. If Condi Rice says, “No,” the Mitt should think about Ellen. Again, it’s one way of getting on television. Better yet- and not to say that either are gay- but there’s also Simon Cowell to think about and Tom Cruise. After all, Cruise is hardly part of Rooney’s Man Pack. He’s usually batting for the other side- but quietly- with John Travolta- and is always running in his movies. Run, Tom, Run, jump, Tom, jump, now run again. Show those audiences that you’re fifty, fit and a real man, Tom. If he continues to run, well, he might as well run for something worthwhile.

Mission: Accomplished.

Meanwhile, I’m voting that Jay-Z becomes the President of the United States and turns the country into one great Hip Hop Nation.

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