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The new way of looking at horse racing


One can hardly find a Musaceae, or plantain tree which has been grown for 10 years or more in China.

That’s because they are chopped down every ten years.

But why?

After all, a plantain Tree is something one doesn’t really need to take care of.

Just water it, and it will grow later, one can take the fruit and sell it.

Here’s the problem: Many Chinese believe that there are certain things that turn into a spirit if they live for a certain ages – even a stone, a cat, and, yes, a tree.

To many of the older generation, the plantain Tree has been looked at as being an “evil spirit” which grows to become a “bad female spirit”.

Once it grows to be over ten years old, it is believed that if you own one of these trees, those around you will die- if it’s not chopped down.

The first that will die are said to be any poultry you might have.

In the beginning, you might just put this down to the birds being sick.

Later, more and more of these will die.

You try to find the reason for this spate of bad luck and fail.

After all, as they didn’t die of any sickness and have no wounds, it’s all a mystery.

When all the poultry has died, they say, it’s time for one’s dogs, cats, pigs and cows to die.

They are just found dead in the morning – again, for no real reason.

You start to wonder, but as long as you are fine, you don’t care.

However, after all animals have died, it’s said that it’s time for humans to meet their maker.

People don’t die suddenly. It’s a slow death and one can see them getting weaker, day by day.

Again, you won’t notice anything at night but in the morning, men are found dead – and dead next to a plantain tree.

One by one, people die starting with the weakest and youngest.

All the dead are men … no women.


It is said that the plantain spirit needs ‘live energy’, so animals are “taken”.

As “her” spirit becomes stronger, “she” craves the energy of men to survive.

Men are said to see a beautiful woman in the night and with whom they have sex night after night.

Gradually, they lose their strength, they have nothing to protect themselves from illness and die

Spooky shit.

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