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The new way of looking at horse racing

Pressing “Pause”, “Refresh” and looking at Hong Kong racing tomorrow.

During these very uncertain times and where we’re not only seeing a changing of the guard, but a complete reversal of fortunes and mighty global paradigm shifts, horse racing plods along even in Hong Kong where one wakes up every morning expecting the unexpected.

Tomorrow sees the first race meeting of the new season. For those who have lived through a city under siege by fear of just about everything and great uncertainty, especially those ageing racing fans, the day offers up around four hours of stress-free entertainment.

There are also FREE calendars for everyone- though it’s unclear how many people will be allowed in. There’ll however be plenty of calendars.

This grassroots section of the public are who keep that racing rumour mill spinning around at such a furious rate that it’s almost unhinged with stories whereas the hoi polio will be back looking for more “face” though difficult when confronted by living in a masked city.

Needing “face” in a masked city is actually weirdly funny in a very surreal way. It’s a Netflix movie waiting to be streamed without the Hong Kong Jockey Club even knowing it.

What’s on the cards for tomorrow’s opening day?

With João Moreira having delayed his return to the city, and many who usually have their fingers on the pulse he tipping that if his family stays in São Paulo, so will he, there’s a very big hole in the lineup today.

As for Zac Purton, well, his stock line to the racing media these days is that “everything is up in the air”. It could mean balloons, the pretty serious problem he’s having with his neck, or him weighing out the pros and cons of carrying on. He certainly doesn’t need the money. Another falcon, maybe...

Speak to the local punters about this opening racing day and what you hear is that it’s a very “balanced” card, very possibly the one thing that is balanced in a city desperately trying to get its mojo back. That mojo has become a bit of a mofo.

Predicted is a very long wait with quite a few playing for time and knowing very well that with a cap on having fun, there’s not a helluva lot one can do. And so, it’s just shuffling papers around and making mewing sounds. It’s the new smart way of not working and still being employed.

Looking at the riders and their books of rides, and taking Mr Zac out of the equation, numbers often lie, and having full books of rides mean nothing.

More pertinent might be to know which riders desperately need to get amongst the winners on this auspicious first day as it’s not only good feng shui, but it takes the heat off them from the typical Hong Kong owner who doesn’t believe in the concept known as losing.

Most to prove is the new 10-pound claiming apprentice Angus Chung, below, and indentured to the legend that is Tony Cruz along with Silvestre de Sousa.

Last season, the Brazilian rider who’s no longer at the top of the tree of British racing, and gave Hong Kong the flick to ride somewhere in the Middle East for more money, needs to prove his worth.

No one likes a hypocrite though, gawd knows, the world is full of them.

For myself, Neil Callan would be a great fit back in Hong Kong, but it’s very doubtful that the missus would wish to return and be welcomed by having to spend three days in hotel quarantine. Neither would the kids.

Having spent a week in Hotel Hades after six months away from Hong Kong, it’s not exactly full of le joie de vivre. It’s more like le pissoir.

Other thoughts? Well, with The Zac and João Show set for a very limited run and not many breaking down the door to be part of Hong Kong or Hong Kong racing, the narrative must change and reality set in. Let’s stop the dance of the sugar plum bollocks.

For example, something like Happy Wednesday stopped being happy over three years ago.

If serious about a strategic change and not change for the sake of change, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed and phased out instead of lumbering around taking up random space on social media.

Perhaps those now running what should be remembered and respected for what was a very successful brand for the Hong Kong Jockey Club should keep thinking young and look at what can actually be done during these days when many things cannot- like promoting young guns like Lyle Hewitson, Harry Bentley, Jerry Chau and Luke Ferraris.

Trying to entice people to come racing today in Hong Kong is something that even Don Draper would walk away from trying to do.

Apart from the various social distancing measures, many have got used to staying at home. There’s nothing to do or anywhere to go in the city after 10pm.

This new habit-forming pastime will, just as it’s brought nightlife to less than a crawl, will certainly impact night racing except for those whose idea of a fun night out is having a hotdog and a beer with some random coupon thrown in for a free something or another and watch some horses in the lower grades ponce around.

Getting back to the races tomorrow, there will be winners and there will be losers.

It’s irrelevant, especially when writing this and hearing the news of the passing of a very special lady- a lady who made my late parents very happy.

Even when Alzheimer’s took hold of my mother’s mind, she remembered the Queen.

Whether I am a “royalist” or not, it doesn’t matter.

The world has lost a remarkable woman and has changed everything forever.

Horse racing can wait for another day.




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The new way of looking at horse racing

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