It was another strange night of racing at Happy Valley on Wednesday where every favourite was rolled and so-called “tipsters”, once again, had to wipe egg off their faces.

By now, many should know who they are. They have a proven track record and it’s all about keeping up pretences, especially on Twitter, where, like assholes, everyone has an opinion.
Personally, other than the great form analyst Deane Lester in Melbourne- he’s certainly not some nickel and dime tipster- there’s no one else worth following. But, to each their own.
If one knew something that had a good chance of winning, why share it with the world?

To me, what’s often given out is guesswork by the usual suspects of three guys on a panel, each giving out FOUR choices per race, which adds up to 12, and if, let’s say, eight races, means 96 numbers.
More often not, at least in Hong Kong, most tip either Zac Purton or Joao Henrique Moreira to win every race. What are the odds they’re going to get ONE right?
Any monkey can do this. Most are.
However, with there being a herd mentality, like sheep, people follow these self processed “gurus” and, supposed, “KOLs of racing” time and time again- and time and time again- lose. These “gurus” can barely tip a waiter. Of course, they can’t. They’re mooches.

Surely, a better challenge- IF one were to even bother having a marginal interest in horse racing and wagering is, like anything in life to have the courage of one’s own convictions?
Mine is easy. I enjoy watching jockey Derek Leung win. I have never met the Hong Kong born rider, but I am in his corner.
Photo: @HKJC
He nearly lost his life in a race fall around six years ago and his comeback to race riding as a new husband couldn’t have been easy. But resilience is a wonderful thing.
What people forget is that not only did he bounce back, he won three consecutive races on the mighty Beauty Generation including a Group 1 win.
If he wins, I “win” in ways that are not financially motivated. It makes me feel good.
Derek kept his very good strike rate ticking over on Wednesday with another winner, this time aboard Goodluck Goodluck.
He bounced the horse to the front and Goodluck Goodluck led all the way. And that was it. End of story. Adios, amigos. Hasta la vista, babies.

Photo by @wallacewanck
Photo by @wallacewanck
Good luck. And as Bob Dylan said, “Don’t follow leaders and watch your parking meters”.