Questions we’re asking ourselves???
Interesting to note that Sam Bankman-Fried, below, the 30 year old with the ironic double barrelled surname and now very much in the news following the collapse of his crypto currency company FTX moved from Macau around 2018 and was a resident of Hong Kong for a couple of years.
Prior to escaping to his ten storey penthouse in the Bahamas with barracudas snapping at his heels, even more interesting are those in Hong Kong who bought into what SBF was selling including some very well-known names known for their fondness for investing in all types of everything for quick financial gains.
Guess there are going to be quite a number of quiet flights outta Hong Kong to some very faraway places...

As for SBF, who’s more like KFC these days, never have confidence in anyone who can’t play a good game of League Of Legends.

How many knew that superstar cricketer Virat Kohli has his own restaurant?

Seen him around recently?

Frank Lentini, an owner of 3 legs, 4 feet, 16 toes, and 2 functioning sets of genitals.
Thought this was the great French jockey Gerald Mosse?

Non. It’s one of the first photographs of Abraham Lincoln.
Why is Hong Kong born and world champion swimmer Siobhan Haughey so darn likeable?

Is Daniel Craig moving in a new direction?
Remember carrying one of these little babies?

Is Jockey Christophe Soumillon facing the Wrath of Karma?
Dr Purton, we presume?

The Zac Man on his chances of riding at Sunday’s Shatin meeting: “We’ll be able to monitor my nucleic levels and they can monitor my viral load, so we should have a good indication by tomorrow whether I might be able to ride on Sunday”.
Your “viral load”, Zachary?
Surely not, Pete?

Who could be so petty as to stop the Melbourne Cup from travelling and being displayed to racing fans in Newcastle, New South Wales?

Golf instructors using jazz to teach golf.
Ormond Beach, FL 1926
Why are so many commercials for horse racing so bloody old fashioned and corny?

With Macau apparently readying itself for a massive Monte Carlo type comeback with a conga line of some of biggest names in entertainment already booked for One Night Only performances - Beyoncé? Bruno Mars?- is Macau racing also readying itself for a spanking new start?
Stranger things have happened in the new abnormal of these weird times...

#Ride #SamBankmanFried #Crypto #ViratKohli #SiobhanHaughey #ZacPurton #Macau #Karma #ChristopheSoumillion #DanielCraigDanc