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The new way of looking at horse racing

Racing Man Talkin’ Blues (with apologies to Bob Dylan)

Thundering hooves are being revved up again

The rumour mill is starting to go insane

Hong Kong is ready for its favourite game

And buzzing with questions about familiar names

Could Zac be stuck with camels with no name?

And what’s the future of his show with Joao?

This is gonna be like no other racing season Things will happen right from the word Go

Will the Lor be working for Frankie again?

Does he have the horsepower on his side?

But we know he’ll be giving it all he’s got

He’s gonna just laugh and enjoy the ride

The Mauritian Magician can never be counted out

He’s always there when least expected

Karis Teetan winning is something good to see

Doing this without fuss is something to be respected

Caspar Fownes always has a winning plan The king of the valley is poised to strike again Who’ll be doing most of his riding?

He’ll just play the horses for courses game

Silvestre De Sousa is back in the Kong again

He’ll be champing at the bit and riding light

All that low hanging fruit and the money tree

Every easy rider wants to take another bite

Angus Chung will make an impression fast That weight allowance will come in handy He’ll lead and play Catch Me If You Can And follow the riding instructions of cool man Cruzy

How much will Size matter this season?

He’ll do fine, mama, like he always does

He just might get himself a new Brazilian

Something to give himself a different buzz

Lyle and Badel will be in the thick of things

They’re not just here making up the numbers

Don’t leave Luke Currie out of the mix

He could be the dark horse for many punters

A Trainer Challenge will be launched, we hear

Something new straight off the bat

More Beauty horses will be introduced

Along with Lady Eleanor wearing SaSa hats

Will Haysey come out with guns blazing?

He might have a Mister Brightside in there

We’re tipping there’ll be aces up his sleeve

Sugar Lips loves that big honey bear

Douglas and his coats of many colours

He makes a fashion statement with them

Some think salmon pink is some secret sign

Shows why silly putty continues to reign

It’s better than being trapped in dullsville

There’s something different to talk about

It keeps the mind alert and active

And stops you wandering into a world of doubt

Homemade heroes will fly the Hong Kong flag

We’ll cheer their wins like never before

They’ll be riding to keep dreams and hope alive

To change the narrative and open the doors

Is there a Keyser Soze hiding in the pack

Would you maybe know who it is?

Been taken in by snakes and ladders?

Behind all those laughs and smiles is a hiss

Hong Kong is in a constant state of flux

But everyone is too afraid to admit it

Hypocrisy and greed is still very much alive

With rules and regulations in the hands of nitwits

Having problems is not some competition Life in the city is not exactly fun for anyone

We’re in the middle of this dim sum together It’s about working out what can be undone Horse racing is not some magical cure But it can help ease the pain and stress It offers a very different change of pace A release from fear, The Shining and distress

So kickback and take in the racing show There’s really nothing else going on Just more testing and very scared people And all those bands on the run

Go with the flow like Harry Bentley Follow him throughout this season

He’s got everything going for him

He’s at the ready to be a gun...



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The new way of looking at horse racing

The world of entertainment today is vast, it cannot be defined, it is intertwined and has become one. One cannot, for example, have music without fashion- and vice versa. Rock Stars, supermodels, actors and actresses and sports heroes have formed Mutual Admiration Societies.


On, you will see Who’s In, Who’s Out, What’s Hot and What’s Not- in Hong Kong and the rest of the world- in English and Chinese. It’s all ballsy stuff that breaks new ground and tells it like it is. The gloves are off. 

Fast Track is the authority and driving force to steer you along the edgy road to this new world of entertainment.. Of course, there will be our opinions- off-the-wall, to-the-point and no waffle.


More important to us is what you think. Really think. Agree, disagree, or tell us to take a hike. As long as it’s a hike on the fast track of life, it doesn’t matter.

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