By Jenny Bridle
Every New Year’s many people make resolutions about losing weight, quitting smoking. Friends say they’re giving up drinking, have decided to be less evil. And, while some, who are too virtuous for words, might make it to the end of March or even into April being all nice and sober and responsible, most seem to give up by the end of February. Who knows why? New Year, new you. Somehow it never seems to work out that way. And yet we keep trying.

If you’ve experienced one or more major life changing events during the previous year, it can be easier to commit to change in the New Year. Maybe that’s just a delusion but still . . .

Over the holidays one colleague talked a lot about how one of the things our business needs is a new way of consuming the product. Somewhere along the way, he said, one or more creative visionary types is going to come along and revolutionize everything we think we know. Or, to put another way, maybe what our business needs is to be more open to allowing the customers to do what they want with our product. In the process, visionary customers could “re-package” our 250 year old industry into something more likeable, less boring.

The best examples of this creative process seem to come almost daily form the world of music where people no one’s ever ever heard of are singing all kinds of songs on YouTube and Vine. Some are even getting famous doing it.
Maybe this is your New Year’s resolution – showcasing your musical talent on social media by covering Nirvana or Green Day or The Beatles. Or maybe you’ve decided that “YOLO” is going to be your motto for 2016.

Maybe one of your resolutions is to take those life changing moments from the previous year and move on to re-connecting with something you have always enjoyed but stopped doing like mountain climbing, speed dating or singing for fun. If you’re ever in Toronto, you need to head down to Clinton’s in Koreatown on a Tuesday or Wednesday night.

If you do, get ready to re-package familiar music into something new and bring your singing voice. You’ll be joining dozens of others who just want to sing with Choir!Choir!Choir! founded in 2011 by Daveed Goldman and Nobu Adilman who teach everyone their versions of songs old and new. All voices — good, bad, ugly — are welcome.

At the door to the backroom at Clinton’s, you pay a $5 cover charge and get handed a paper copy of the lyrics. If you signed up in advance online, you would have received an email announcing this week’s choice with a YouTube link and admonishing you to “listen to the fucking song.” For the start of a new year, we joined Purpose – The Movement and sang Justin Bieber’s “Sorry.”
The result is both a great experience and a wonderful way to start a New Year, whatever your resolution(s) may be.
