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The new way of looking at horse racing



Despite sitting around a children’s tea party table with her Smurf-like little tea time mates, former Sky TV presenter JoJo McKinnon and a new arrival to Hongkers did a professional job as the anchor during the recent simulcast of the races at Longchamp. It was a workman’s like job done in a female way and kinda like a more effeminate Bob The Builder.

But whoever directed and supervised her as she strode around Shatin during Sa Sa Ladies Day last Sunday led her up the proverbial garden path.

She was Alice disappearing down the rabbit hole and meeting the Mad Hatter.

Jojo seemed hell-bent on mentioning hats, hats and more hats and how things are in Oz and how “triffic” that there is a day in Hongkers when ladies can get dressed up and wear hats, hats and more hats and come to the races and fashion it up.

Jojo spoke to Maree Prebble, Alix Fownes and Cheryl Moore about all of this and was met with some rather muted responses despite the interviewer’s somewhat breathless approach to interviewing. There was a hint of Dame Edna to it all, possums.

She then turned to the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Sa Sa who heads up marketing for the company- and of course she would- and Sa Sa’s sales director. It was like Ali G tackling feminism and they seemed clueless as to what they should answer.

There is a time and place for interviews and knowing what is good television. This was cringeworthy television.

With so much Sa Sa pulchritude around, viewers would have far rather be watching this festival of eye candy from Taiwan and Mainland China instead of a love fest between some irrelevant “gweipors” which might have been pukka when the HKJC was still the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club.

NOT a gweipor

NOT gweipors

Today’s upwardly mobile Chinese lady in their twenties and early Thirties are fiercely independent, they are extremely fashionable, financially secure and highly intelligent having usually been educated overseas. Ladies like the gorgeous Canny Leung who is married to the owner of the horse Dominant and pictured below. Now, SHE would have made a “triffic” interviewee- she writes poetry, she writes lyrics and she owns her own businesses.

Hats are not for people like her. Jewelry is, and dresses, shoes and hairstyles.

And when at the races they are there for one thing: sure to make heads turn, but unlike Oz where it’s all one big piss up and then getting lost afterwards at JJs at Crowne, these ladies are at the races to find winners. Hats don’t make horses go any faster.

Having said all this, these are early days in Hongkers for JoJo. Just like the young handlers who were quite rightly guilty of placing two horses into the wrong barriers- and no problems happened because of this but which resulted in a very looooooong explanation- don’t blame the piano player nor shoot the messenger. There is always someone higher up and the buck either stops with them or culpability is shared. After all, even when there’s a fuck-up, it’s teamwork and talk of some innocent being sacked for something this minor will raise more questions and more eyebrows and open up a new Pandora’s Box.

As for JoJo, well, Ladies Day has come and gone for another year, the hats might come out again for Melbourne Cup Day, but, in time, all will be “triffic”.



“Clinton Affair ran out of puff.”

Heard at Echuca today when raging favourite Clinton Affair wilted and finished fourth


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