There was a snippet in the racing section of the South China Morning Post recently where Zac (Purton) showed what I believe to be genuine care and concern for João Moreira, who had to forfeit his rides last week following what seemed to be a combination of dehydration, heat stress and just plain pressure to compete.
Though both riders are involved in a battle for this year’s Hong Kong Champion Jockey title, it was good to read Zac mentioning that health is more important than any title.
Sure, there are those who will say that the champion Australian rider is just playing mind games, or whatever other kinds of games are played- but I don’t think so.
This Hong Kong racing season has drained many in the racing fraternity and its taken its toll in many different ways and which we will never know about.
As a city, Hong Kong has never gone through the mental turmoil that it’s going through.
It’s been relentless. No one is smiling, no one is happy and there’s a zombie-like vibe to what once was a great city.
As a Hong Kong Belonger for over four decades, never have I seen the city this depressed and struggling to cope.
We’re now seeing the racing fraternity coming together and supporting each other emotionally and with empathy.
Sounds corny, but it’s true.
It’s a cliché to keep referring to the “pressure cooker environment” that is Hong Kong racing. There’s always been incredible pressure to keep delivering. But these past couple of years have been very very tough on everyone.
This pressure to deliver has gone beyond the call of duty.
It’s also been extremely evident that money can buy many things- but never happiness and peace of mind.
To all my friends, and everyone else in the racing game in Hong Kong, thanks.
