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The new way of looking at horse racing

The Benefits Of Being In The Handsome Men’s Horse Racing Club!

*FREE Entrance to ALL Handsome Men’s Horse Racing Clubs around the world!

*FREE Membership to be part of Earth Wind and Fire!

*If she agrees, a chance to be painted by artist Janet Hamill!

*A ONE WEEK stay in a Quarantine Hotel in Hong Kong- FOR FREE!!!

*A photograph with Andrew Le Jeune!

*A chance to meet Sir Elton John or Brent “The Babe” Thomson!

*Tea With Paddington Bear!


*A plane ride to Taiwan with Nancy Pelosi!!!

*Your own personalised emoji!!!

*The chance to be in a Hollywood movie!!!


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The new way of looking at horse racing

The world of entertainment today is vast, it cannot be defined, it is intertwined and has become one. One cannot, for example, have music without fashion- and vice versa. Rock Stars, supermodels, actors and actresses and sports heroes have formed Mutual Admiration Societies.


On, you will see Who’s In, Who’s Out, What’s Hot and What’s Not- in Hong Kong and the rest of the world- in English and Chinese. It’s all ballsy stuff that breaks new ground and tells it like it is. The gloves are off. 

Fast Track is the authority and driving force to steer you along the edgy road to this new world of entertainment.. Of course, there will be our opinions- off-the-wall, to-the-point and no waffle.


More important to us is what you think. Really think. Agree, disagree, or tell us to take a hike. As long as it’s a hike on the fast track of life, it doesn’t matter.

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