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The new way of looking at horse racing


The link below was forwarded to us along with over eighty other people.

This blog has, apparently, been making the rounds for a few months.

We received it last night.

We know Spencer Douglass and think him to be, like many, a decent person doing the best he can with what he has in the small pond that is Hong Kong.

Sometimes, Hong Kong becomes a cesspool and the blog below is evil.

It is vitriolic, it is slanderous and it needs to be shut down.

As we have said many times, the policing on the Internet is piss poor.

Just look at some of the comments on YouTube.

They are racist hate crimes on the Internet.

There is freedom of speech, but for how long can people hide behind this?

We spoke with Spencer Douglass and he has gone through every means possible to stop this slanderous campaign against him.

Just think if you were him.

We have a very strong idea who is behind this, but “going there” means playing the same sad, petty, evil game.

Just how close is this to a very similar smear campaign run against one Stan Fong?

Fong and Spencer Douglass used to run a company called Talent Asia.

And then came an acrimonious split.

Who’s to blame?

Who knows.

All we know is being forward this email.

Where is this Stan Fong who comes from his own mouthful of blogger’s spray below?

Who knows?

What is the recourse left for Spencer Douglass?

Get a damn good, no bullshit Barrister like Kevin Egan.

Want to play dirty?

“Kev” will play even dirtier.

Like a bounty hunter, he will take them Dead or Alive.

This site cannot give any information as to where this blog comes from?

Let Kevin Egan handle it.

Like we said, there is Freedom of Speech and there is slander.

It can be on an email, it can be on a text.

It can be in a blog.

The Internet today has become the Wild West and where everyone thinks that anything goes.

It doesn’t.

Certain things need to be stamped out and those behind vitriolic blogs/posts like these will be revealed.

It’s just a matter of time and a landmark case would have been created.

And there will be some semblance of law and order as opposed to shooting blanks and getting way with it.

Some people need to be outlawed and locked out.

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