(Source: HKJC)
Note: Theees meeeest beee reeeed in a South Africeeen acceeeent.
Faaaark, Nickie was all over me like Rash Callan in a bloody reeece when I got home tonight! I had to seeey, fark, sweet cheeks, I just rode seeeven horses.
(Source: SCMP)
Even I, the Champion Dirty Dozen jockey, can only drive and dreeeel home so many. And then I drove home my third winner of the night while Tom Jones sang Thunderball and Seeeex Machine over and over again as Neeex kept repeating the words “one of a kind” whenever the word, Tom YELLED out Thunderball.
Faarking, even I was turned on and we had people banging on the door yeeeeling at us to keep it down. But how? I was up, baby! Yeeeehaaaaaa!
(Source: Andrew Mog Ford)
I was also up at Happy Valley- twice- though I was singing to myseeeelf in race 4 and kinda lost the plot. So farking what? I came roaring back to ween theeee next on One Of A Kind.
Yeeees, theeeey tried to sandweeeech me, but we build theeeem teeef in South Afreeka and I showed theem enuf meeeet to git outta theet trap! Heeeeheeeheeee!
Who’s theeee beeeest? You are Deekleees! You theee man, brudder! And theeen in theeee last reees, I gave Cruzy’s Good Words a faarking greeet ride and really faaarked up Curry Boy Fownes and his jockey! Hahahaha!
(Souce: The Punters Forum)
Now breeeng on Sunday which weeeel be a bloody Glorious and bloody Gold Fun Sunday for me and with my good mite Flix Coetzee back. The Cat is a champeeen bloke!
Okay, Tom Jones is singing Thunderball again and Neeex is wailing along! A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do! Heavy eeeez the crown that wears theees heeeed.
(Source: SCMP)
(Source: Apple Daily)