We hit clubs and, at many, we notice a Build-It-And-They-Will-Come mentality.
Sure, it’s location, location, location, but it’s also all about Innovation, Innovation, Innovation.
Hell, don’t Innovate and you might as leave levitate and leave the party ‘cos no one will bother showing up.
Below are some latest observations from those fabulous people at FRUKT and well-worth checking out.
Especially when it has to do with the Club scene.
Fruktcomms We are also closely following the Hong Kong Jockey Club- as a brand.
While concert promoters were busy booking in International acts with few places to gig, the huge complaint was the city’s lack of venues.
Suddenly, if this is ever possible, there were Tours Overkill- a mixture of the good, the bad, the ugly and the fugly.
Bands, artists, came and went and no gave a toss.
Meanwhile, Singapore has tried to become almost the “New York of Asia” but have made some major mistakes.
For example, that almighty expensive event known as F1 Rocks, is rocking no more.
Universal Music took a US$7m bath on the first of these events.
The only smart thing which the wobbly Gold Typhoon/Pacific Capital “duo” has done to date was not bite the carrot offered to them by one Peter Read and take over this albatross from Universal.
Seriously, how many times more before Linkin Park stops coming out to Asia?
As for concerts and gigs in Taiwan and China, unless they are local acts, these are largely hit-and-miss affairs.
This is where the Hong Kong Jockey Club could easily spread its wings and create a new business stream.
After all, apart from two of the greatest race tracks in the world, the Club offers built-in facilities and other venues.
Sure, concerts, gigs and venues are not exactly their primary source of business, BUT they are key components in the overall BUSINESS strategy of making the sport ENTERTAINING to new race goers- AND current Members in Hong Kong and the Club House in Beijing- who are demanding change and who are spoilt for choice.
What the Club is already doing at its Beer Garden and every Wednesday shows how a racing club is showing clubs, bars and concert promoters how to make things work.
With its Adrenaline club opening up in December/January, we know the club will be offering up a new experience.
The HKJC truly is that Field Of Dreams.
Wait and see: Give things another 18 months and Live Nation, others and music company will be coming to the Club with cap in hand.
Yes, very much like all those world leaders rushing to China to bail them out- and offer their countries as collateral.