It’s been relentless, it’s been contrived, it’s been way over the top, and yesterday, or today, or, gawd knows when, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian get married in a wedding that has been built up by the American entertainment industry to be something bigger than any other wedding in the history of the world and the day the earth stood still.

How this wedding has been orchestrated and how a woman who gained notoriety by having the usual porno movie “leaked” and which has been parlayed into a multi-million dollar business comprising fashion lines, public appearances, a reality show which has made quasi celebrities of others with nothing of any worth to offer is a sad study in, especially, American pop culture.

I recently read a piece by a writer I admire about this wedding, but more on the chutzpah and savvy of Kim Kardashian and where and how she’s succeeded where her one-time BFF- Paris Hilton failed.
It’s straight outta All About Eve but where Eve, the understudy, has won)

Remember Paris Hilton? She’s usually in the Philippines these days being paid millions to just show up at Bang Bang or Bong Bong or any of those Filipino playboys like that Sultan of swing in Brunei who know that money can buy them most women out to make an easy buck while real poverty resides right outside their door.

As for this wedding between Kimye, it’s vulgarity never seen before and taken to new and unchartered waters of gauche and fawning by television channels like E!, TMZ, all those magazines bidding for first photos of THE dress, THE cake etc adds to a “shining” example of there being a very big market out there ready to live life vicariously and be easily manipulated into promoting mediocrity.

It’s the Peter Principle of the new, controlled world of business of show and tell.

It has been seen in the elevation of Jay-Z and Beyonce to godlike adulation and those happy to ride on their coat-tails- Solange Knowles?- as it’s all part of one club where unknowns are, somehow, chosen to be “celebrities”- Rihanna, Katy Perry, Drake, Selena Gomes.

We have also seen how quickly this same media has turned on and drop-kicked Lady Gaga, The Bieb, Britney Spears while Chris Brown and Lindsay Lohan have sold their souls to co-exist in this faked out landscape and content to be the train wrecks in the daily real life soap opera followed by those who have no lives, have never ever lived, and only know how to live through others and spoon fed by a media paid to keep stories alive and build up those with nothing to offer the world.

And so, there’ll be the Kimye wedding which will be televised, probably turned into a television series and with no expense spared while to keep it all going, babies will be born, weird names will be given to them until the inevitable divorces take place so that the entire roadshow and freak show can be re-booted with a new cast of characters.

Sad, yes, and even sadder that all this has been allowed to happen and how so many of us suck in so much trivia and gossip wherever we are in the world to feel as if we’re part of it all- whatever this “it” is.

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