What were once quiet whispers in the all-powerful Chinese racing media that the Douglas Whyte-John Size partnership is on the rocks, has become the LOUDEST whisper.

On Sunday, Whyte doesn’t have even one ride for Size with most of the runners from the master horseman’s stable being ridden by Tye Angland and others going to Olivier Doleuze, below, who’s riding like a jockey possessed and Weichong Marwing.

With Joao Moreira having the expected full book of rides, this looks like being a critical year for the great South African jockey with thirteen consecutive Hong Kong jockey championships under his belt largely through the tremendous support of Size.
While one waits to see if this is simply a mutually-decided break by the trainer and jockey before Size brings out his new young guns and Whyte gets on them, spare a thought for Zac Purton.

Despite riding with tremendous confidence and success and easily the best rider in Hong Kong right now, the Zac Attack has a measly five rides on Sunday’s ten-race card.
The Zac Attack is more of a Zac Pimple- though we think the Pimple will still zit out a winner- or even two.

And if those in Oz didn’t have such short memories, surely Purton should have been offered at least one good ride during The Spring Carnival?
It boggles the mind that what happens in Oz stays in Oz like a scene from The Hangover and with very few sure of what the hell to do next other than make sucking noises.
When this happens, it lets in The Trojan Horse not knowing who and what’s inside and what’s their end game.

So, while many Aussies with a false sense of history and geographically and politically-challenged make la la sounds about making “inroads” into racing in Mainland China and plodding through their own version of The Long March, the astute and forward-thinking cash-rich Chinese have moved into racing in Oz- and in all areas of the business.

It’s not unlike some of the very dodgy Asian, Chinese and Eastern European “investors”- some facing criminal charges- who were allowed in and have taken over a number of football clubs in the English Premier League- and created havoc with them.

When we say Chinese investors moving into all areas of the racing business, we mean it- ownership, syndication, the purchase of Eliza Park by a Macau-based casino operator, punting, how this can affect the tote and taking over the big corporates whether openly or secretly- plus, eventually, having all the say on their horses.
It’s all about power, control, “face” and a return to Greed Is Good.

So, all those fawning trainers, all those bloodstock agents with the sounds of “ka-ching” going through their heads and whoever thinks they are dealing with naive “Chinamen” and demure “China women”, think again.
This is no longer The World Of Suzie Wong and Dr Fu Manchu.

These are extremely sharp business minds, some with their own “brotherhood” rules, laws and bodyguards recognized by their snake and dragon tattoos and secret handshakes who can be very helpful and with inscrutable smiles that even their mamasans can’t figure out.

With Vegas in the pockets of many of these businessmen with interests in Macau and interests in the Mainland China booming movie industry which is attracting ALL of Hollywood’s A-Listers, the world of horse racing is a nice little addition to their bulging portfolios with Oz being a good time to buy property for themselves and their families.

Owning a few dozen horses and paying millions to entertain so-called racing royalty in Oz?
Chump change to fork out in order to be needed and buy power- and power meaning “face”- and control. Total control with far greater plans in mind.


“Why tweet congratulations to jockeys and trainers for winning? Do they know u? Even if they do have they EVER tipped u a winner?” #users
Quantity or quality? Yes, Joao Moreira has a full book of rides, but I don’t see any real standouts plus every one of his rides will be way under the odds meaning another huge turnover for the Club as Moreiramania will take over.

Will he ride a winner? Sure he will with Rising Power (race 3), Whistle Blower (race 4) and Noble Deluxe in the last looking his best chances of a winner- or winners.
But this is a fine world class rider who might be able to conjure up some of the magic he is famous for and win on a few many of us have given up on- like the inglorious Uwillbeglorious.

I just wish that this rare meeting on a Sunday afternoon at Happy Valley could have the carnival atmosphere of a Happy Wednesday night.
With the weather absolutely perfect these days and the first appearance of The Magic Man Moreira as a full-time rider in Hong Kong, it’s a pity we couldn’t even have a conga line- a short one- and some Brazilian favorites warbled in the Beer Garden by the dulcet tones of Wally Pyrah, below, apparently, once known as the Julio Iglesias of the UK. Who knew?

No doubt out to spoil the Moreira Fiesta will be Douglas Whyte and I don’t believe that anything has sweet and soured his porky partnership with John Size.

I just think as is the norm with him, The Whyte Hunter like Dawg, The Bounty Hunter, has gone out to capture better rides as Size’s entries are not anything to get excited about. They are only half chances at best.

Whyte, however, has strong winning chances with Fresh Air (race 5) and Dragon Pins (race 6).

Overall, it’s an extremely even card and finding who could win the Jockey Challenge gave me a headache.
I would think that Whyte and with his full book, Moreira would head the betting, but this is no two horse race and I might have a wager on Zac Purton proving that less is more.

Bettingwise, there’s the Happy Valley factor to consider where often the best laid plans go awry due to barrier draws and how the tracks rides this afternoon.

Still, there’s a $10m Triple Trio Jackpot to be won and worth more than a flutter and simply a great afternoon to have lunch at the Grand Hyatt, walk over to the track, have the girlfriend pick a Six Up using her lucky numbers while you wave to some of the boys and wonder what’s for dinner.
As the Kinks once sang, it’s all about lazying on a Sunny Afternoon.
What do I suggest?
Well, without exactly exuding confidence, these…
R1: 12-1-2-6 (hardly a betting race) R2: 5-7-4-9 (ditto) R3: 12-7-8-4 (Moreira’s first winner?) R4: 4-11-10-2 (predicting a very close finish) R5: 12-11-4-5 R6: 4-6-12-5 R7: 7-6-2-9 R8: 9-6-3-4 R9: 11-6-2-1 (Prepare to be shocked!) R10: 11-10-3-12 (Re-boot the Shock Machine!)

Last Wednesday was a rest day for Sarika, Justin and Natalie as there was no Happy Wednesday at Happy Valley while those who bet on the AWT racing at Shatin were made to eat dirt as favorites keeled over and anything on the rails were sitting ducks bobbing up and down in the one spot.

Are they confident of their Six Up on Sunday? Surprisingly so. We wish we can share their confidence.
Then again, nothing can rain on Sarika’s parade- or her Six Up selections. Justin and Natalie just go along for the ride.

R5: 4-9-12 R6: 4 R7: 7 R8: 3-9 R9: 1-2-11-12 R10: 8-10-11-12












BEST BET Race 9, No. 2 Multivictory Gets a reprieve after racing against tough company at Sha Tin last few starts. Pedigree suggests he should appreciate stepping up to the 1650m.
SECOND BEST Race 10, No. 8 Beauty Touch Placed multiple times at Happy Valley even though races were not run to suit. Carries the minimum weight here and will be flying home.
LONGSHOT Race 8, No. 2 Celestial Century Threw away any chance of winning when beginning awkwardly last month. Will be doing best running late and can salute at a price.

HAPPY VALLEY (HONG KONG) Sun 20/10/13 Day Races @HKJC_Racing Turf (“B” Course – Worked Back) Weather: Fine and dry in the afternoon. Cloudy periods tonight. Moderate northeasterly winds. Source: http://www.hko.gov.hk/contente.htm
Race 1: Boston Hcp CL5 1 – Great Alexander (2) 2 – China Good (3) 3 – Marvel Plus (11) 4 – Super Brother (12)
Race 2: Chicago Hcp CL5 1 – Super Team (3) 2 – Dynamic Cross (9) 3 – Step High (5) 4 – Ray’s Favourite (2)
Race 3: Dallas Hcp CL4 1 – Rising Power (12) 2 – Able Magic (1) 3 – Real General (6) 4 – Twin Turbo (7)
Race 4: Houston Hcp CL4 1 – Whistle Blower (4) 2 – Ocean Roar (11) 3 – Call Me Achiever (6) 4 – Sight Believer (8)
Race 5: Los Angeles Hcp CL4 1 – Demon Demon (4) 2 – Mighty Equus (11) 3 – Joyful Luck (2) 4 – Fresh Air (12)
Race 6: New York Hcp CL4 1 – Dragon Pins (4) 2 – Sure Champ (6) 3 – Very Well (2) 4 – King Haradasun (5)
Race 7 (Q1): Phoenix Hcp CL3 1 – You Read My Mind (7) 2 – Jazzy Feeling (6) 3 – Lucky Hammer (5) 4 – Both Sure (8)
Race 8 (Q2): The Fakei Cup CL3 1 – Dun Jao (7) 2 – Ensemble (3) 3 – Smart Man (4) 4 – Roman Legend (9)
Race 9 (Q3): San Antonio Hcp CL3 1 – Flying Elite (5) 2 – Uwillbeglorious (12) 3 – Electronic Fortune (6) 4 – Multivictory (2)
Race 10 (Q4): San Francisco Hcp CL2 1 – Beauty Touch (8) 2 – Victor Delight (3) 3 – Travel Brand (9) 4 – Lucky Forever (10)
Best Bet Race 4: Whistle Blower (4)
Next Best Race 3: Rising Power (12)
Value Bet Race 8: Dun Jao (7)
Long Shot Race 2: Ray’s Favourite (2)
Quaddie ($100 gets you 39%)
Six Up 4 4-11 6-7 3-7 5-12 8