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The new way of looking at horse racing


“Even if you’re not doing well, you can at least dress well.”

Christian Reith- and what an incredible movie his comeback story would make- one of my favorite jockeys in Sydney- the kind that rides horses- said that and which makes sense to me.

(Source: Punters Paradise)

But even if when you’re not doing well and you need to pretend to be doing well, that’s just irritating and pseudo-everything.

(Source: I Fans)

With the world economy in a free-fall and even those one-time lands of milk and honey- Dubai which is broke and China having to rein in everything until the ghost of Bo Xilai and his sticky pudding sex and rich cake takings have disappeared- they won’t- it’s fair to say that we are seeing the rise and cons of the fraudster.

(Source: Ta Kung Pao)

Those who astral travel, especially in their own fairy tale land and play with the pixies while having an aversion to picking up the tab, I can take or leave- most of the time leave them to pimp their way through life by living double lives and preying on naive dodo birds.

(Source: Word Info)

It’s like guys who need to trumpet their “mega successes” to the gullible or the bloke I ran into after months of him MIA in the early hours of the morning last week at a late night club in Wanchai. He was so completely off his head one could have bounced him off the walls.

He hugged me so hard as a “bro”, I almost chucked my dinner and then saw the same person a few days later sitting with his girlfriend outside a restaurant with a halo over his head while shitting in his pants knowing that the truth is out there.

To paraphrase that Lesley Gore hit, this fraudster must have been singing, it’s my life and I’ll lie if I want to- and this chick will believe my jive.

In the music industry, the fraudsters and bullshit are also out there, but it’s kept to the lower registers and churned out by the same people, famous for being famous and others clinging to the past.

(Source: Deviant Art)

Whereas the wannabe young financiers- and Asia attracts a glut of them- and dumbed down entrepreneurs talk in billions and investments in billions and mines in Mongolia and working freelance for non-existent banks, the fraudsters working in the music industry are simply delusionary. Or just simple- meaning naive and inexperienced in the ways of the scam.

(Source: E-Bay)

Have these people ever thought of “doing a Donna Summer” and actually working HARD for the money?

It’s such a rush for instant gratification in all levels of life and needing that quick fix of success to be part of the E! Generation before turning 28 that there are so many “deals” flying around and raining boomerangs with a Mars Attack.

(Source: Bye Thost 24)

Forming a band, rehearsing, writing original music based on great riffs and melodies and emotion and not based on beats while honing one’s skills, is still happening, but it’s just not “newsy” enough to be part of the mainstream.

It’s almost being purposely kept a secret as if it might rock the “reality” bandwagon.

The music- or the sounds- has been reduced to a cameo role by a media more interested in an artist’s latest tats, brawls, bracelets, drug busts, broken hearts and humping bears with achy breaky vaginas at the VMAs.

(Source: On Sugar)

Rihanna, the Bieb, Chris Brown, Gaga, LiLo, Miley, Drake- well, the usual suspects- are media fodder for the TMZs of the world- who are paid to spread whatever the publicists need to get out there.

(Source: Snarkerati)

Who writes about musicians and the music, anymore? Not even Rolling Stone. Thank gawd for Mojo.

(Source: Create)

Perhaps, this is why many are going back in time for a dose of reality- people who have no time for that faked out TMZ world and don’t give a flying fuck that Big Poobar Simon Cowell is becoming a father at 50, but who hear something new in the past.

Hearing something new in the past. Remember that.

It’s like having a Close Encounters Moment of the Music Kind.

Still with music, I was at Peel Fresco in Hong Kong last night with a mate and heard junky karaoke versions of Yellow and Wonderwall by a trio that sounded like a school band- but were older guys.

As usual, the crowd- mainly the singer’s mates- clapped like trained chimpanzees at this serving of cheese.

My arms remained folded. Why give silly hope to unoriginality?

All that does is multiply the copycat virus and where mediocre players become legends in their own lunchtime. And fraudsters- the antithesis of the Hipsters who are fraudsters, anyway.


Okay, perhaps, audiences in Hong Kong have grown to be musical morons and the newbies in town just don’t give a fuck and are happy to hear copycats, but I am not.

Music that doesn’t elevate the art form should be barred.

(Source: Kassner Music)

As for music companies, their decision makers are aging players waiting to get their golden handshakes so they can bail.

Hey, why not? Why bother? They’ve done their time and have lost any passion they might have had. They have become boring old farts who know their companies coffers are empty.

New artists making records? Leave it to the publicists to handle that or just hope there is a strong wind blowing on those digital sales ‘cos the 360 degree management deal died a death when the big artists realized they can finance and manage their own careers and own 100 percent of everything.

So where is the money to be musicians on a full-time basis gonna come from?

The fraudsters would say it’s all in touring.

Okay, but what if you’re not ready to tour or even if you think you are, would there be any takers?

This is where the sex, lies and videotapes rise to the occasion and with music companies going around in circles and paying scant interest to their amazing back catalogs featuring the music of Led Zep, the Stones etc, yes, but also Cream, Traffic, Yardbirds, Manfred Mann, Marc Bolan, Rory Gallagher, Procol Harum etc- real musicians whose music will open the ears and minds of a new generation of music fans not screaming after One Direction.

Before I switch off and watch a Criminal Minds marathon on television, let’s just say that music companies are way behind the eight-ball and very vulnerable to something new coming from left field.

It’s why high-priced tickets for Metallica’s recent concert in China- 12,000 tickets- sold out in just six minutes.

I see this something new coming, it’s no Slow Train Running and it will roll over many- especially on the music publishing side and, at least rid the music industry of the fraudsters pretending to know copyright laws in the online world and all those “managers” with no roller decks worth a dime.

(Source: Bolumrehberi)

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