By Hans Ebert Visit
Many more will leave us. Friends, some more famous than others, musical heroes, music icons, political heroes, sporting legends and everyone in between. It’s the inevitability of life. Death catches up with everyone so it really comes down to what one does in the Now and in the Living. Without wishing to sound like a Hallmark greeting card…

Looking back isn’t the answer as it always means coming up against a wall of regrets. But there’s no time for regretting. The past has packed up and walked out the door. It’s now all about what can be done today which segues into tomorrow and knowing that something positive- no matter how small and insignificant- has been achieved.

For myself, it’s about creativity. Embracing it. Being part of it. As a fan, yes. But, more importantly, creating MY art which might impact a few people. Even one. And if that one person is who the work was meant to reach, even better. If not, it does matter, so let’s not kid ourselves. But there’s no point dwelling on it. It’s about finding that Escape Clause in the contract that frees your mind to seek out the New.

Creatures of habit don’t go anywhere. They tend to pontificate. Or grasp at straws. Or are living in another space in time which really has no relevance today. It’s why so many of us were drawn into that episode of Carpool Karaoke with Paul McCartney. It was full of happiness. That happiness was infectious and we shared it with others.

Since then, Sir Paul has been more busy than ever. Returning to perform at the Cavern. Happy to cross Abbey Road again for all those who make a pilgrimage to where the Beatles produced their greatest music. Releasing an album of new songs. Taking to Twitter on #Lefthandersday. A world tour.

Hey all you lefties, have a happy #LeftHandersDay — Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) August 13, 2018
He’s everywhere and doing all he can to make himself available. He doesn’t have to do any of this. He’s Sir Paul. He can just coast through life and kick back and take it easy. But he’s always been about getting out there and being one of us. Inspiring us. Motivating us. Showing that it’s not only and always about the money. Money really can’t buy anyone love. Security, perhaps. Companionship, yes. But love? Real love? The My Love of Maybe I’m Amazed at Lovely Linda type of love that he enjoyed with Linda, no. Never.

He probably carries Linda with him wherever he goes. Maybe it still weighs him down. But after looking for love where there wasn’t any and prying himself away from her, he seems happily married again with a strong family support system around him.

Family and support systems. They’re the best medicine of all. Not as a crutch. But knowing that flesh and blood is right there with and for you. And if it isn’t, life is tough, but getting through it is not impossible. It’s how you look at things.
It could be a wonderful new adventure starring a different cast or a constantly changing cast until you arrive at that point where you instinctively know that this is where you want to be. And from this home base, you build and go along a new path of discovery. And imagination.

Discovery. It’s what life and living is all about. Stop wanting to get out there and discover and you start living in the online world. Never shut the door on the real world. It’s not perfect. But it’s the world we were born into and it’s about enjoying the trip to the fullest. Anything less and you’ve let yourself down. No one has time for sob stories. No one has time for crap. No one has time for time wasters.

Yes, life is a long and winding road. But more often than not, it leads you back home. It might be a different home. But it’s home. And home is where the heart lives.
