Mystery surrounds the whereabouts about of that larger than life character from around 5-10 years ago in Michel Adam, Founder of the Fashion TV empire. But as history has proven with the decline of the Greek, Roman, and soon, American empires, this building of empires have a certain here today, gone tomorrow karma to it.

Today, for instance, FTV- Fashion TV- is nowhere under in a few remote places and with the ignominy of it all being that the channel has been replaced on NOW TV and other cable networks by Fashion First, a company started by ex Fashion TV staffers who decided to rage against the mothership machine.

Though Michel Adam might have forgotten what The Art Of War preached about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer, the old boy had a great run- and mainly through an incredible gift of the gab which he parlayed into, not quite a Hugh Hefner lifestyle, but certainly a Bob Guccione one.
Many would remember his parties in the Presidential Suite of the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong that would go on for days with wine, women and song and lotsa people wandering in and out with what seemed like some nasal allergies. Everyone wanted a piece of Fashion TV and Michel Adam played them all beautifully. He opened up FTV Clubs, many of us jumped aboard his FTV yacht and even cruise liner where the giant of a man introduced many wannabe models from around Eastern Europe to movers, shakers, but mainly, two time fakers. Where are they now? Once someone has run their course, they, of course, desert the sinking ship.

Those who lived la vida loca, thanks to Michel Adam, and had their heads buried up his huge backside no longer talk about him unless it’s to run him down and paint him out to be a doomed figure who lived large and crashed big.
We like to remember Michel Adam as a bon vivant with a gaggle of giggly nubile nymphets on each arm and inviting us to party with him, all the time talking to us with what always looked like a huge ball of salt hanging from one of his nostrils.
