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The new way of looking at horse racing


The article below comes with the headline, “How Justin Bieber Became The Public Face Of Copyright Reform.”

Maybe. But who has really made him this “Public Face Of Copyright Reform”?

News of the “Bieb” speaking out against making the uploading of unauthorized streaming of videos a felony made it onto every American news channel yesterday.

On one radio station, he said that the lawmaker who crafted the bill “needs to be locked up.” The law was proposed by Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar-who the Bieb thought was a “guy” and was clearly out of his depth discussing the subject. From the mouths of babes, indeed: Here’s the audio.

Here’s the problem: Come on now: The “Bieb” as “The Voice and Face Of Experience”?

Justin Bieber tackling this subject instead of, let’s say, Justin Timberlake?

And then was the news from one group who even made “Free Justin Beiber” t-shirts saying that The Bieb “could face five years in jail” if this law was passed?


Young girls who wouldn’t know streaming from creaming were, for a while, up in arms and screaming.

Something is very wrong and very transparent- as fake as the stories about Usher and Justin Timberlake “competing” to sign him up after seeing his videos on YouTube.

Think about that bullshit for a second: Usher and Justin Timberlake, with nothing much to do, just stumble on the kid’s videos- and at the same time?

That’s as fake as that kid- Greyson Michael Chance- who was “discovered” singing “Paparazzi” on YouTube and was signed to Ellen DeGeneres’ “new music label called Eleveneleven.

Where are they both?????

That was almost two years ago.

As for Justin Bieber, he is an industry moppet and a puppet.

One doubts that even his manager- Scooter Braun who was a bit player working for Jermaine Dupri has much control.

“They” would not allow someone as “insignificant” as Braun into that “inner sanctum”.

No, someone far more powerful is pulling the strings and the kid dingles, dangles and says whatever the music industry wants him to say.

This is the only way to get that Tween market in a sweat and get everyone Tweeting and creating some new hysteria around another kid artist who is on his way down.

Sorry, but Justin Bieber has become the new Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers-combined.

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