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The new way of looking at horse racing


I subscribe to an e-letter called Music News.

Today’s MUSIC news was that The Bieb was in another brawl, father-to-be Simon Cowell is pursued by women (when is this bizarre and relentless publicity campaign to prove his manhood going to stop?), that Nicole Sherzingher pinches asses after a few drinks, how some bloke from One Direction finds his fans to be “physical” and that “Kimye”, aka Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, are considering that wretched thing called marriage. And so, these days, this is Music News.

(Source: US Magazine)

(Source: Business Insider)

See where and how “music” has taken a backseat to the online entertainment  versions of Hello or OK magazine and where media-made personalities are placed in the music category which result in the devaluation of an important art form?

It’s like one of those many goofy Billboard charts where almost anyone can have a hit.

(Source: Wind Up Records)

Where is the cutting-edge Rock journalism that exposes those perennial con men who bend the truth while those Gullibles in, especially, Third World countries, who wouldn’t know a tiny distribution deal in Australia from a legitimate signing with a major, fall for  name droppings and, having a fondness for things that smell fishy, applaud like trained seals.


These con men should be exposed and driven out as their scams have become tiresome. But how? Where?

Hyping one’s self on google, wiki, like buying YouTube views and Twitter followers, has created an upside down cake of a world.

(Source: Rotten E-Cards)

Once upon a Jan Wenner, one couldn’t wait for the latest issue of Rolling Stone to hit the newsstand with an Annie Leibowitz photo gracing the cover.

(Source: Beatles JPGR)

It was a bloody good read- great record reviews, the fear and loathing of Hunter S Thompson, brilliant writers like Timothy White, Dave Marsh, Greil Marcus, Ben Fong-Torres, Cameron Crowe etc who hung out with and got into the heads of Lennon, Keith Richard, Dylan, Hendrix, Jim Morrison and the brilliant madness and sad creativity of Brian Wilson.

(Source: Adeeplust)

Brian Wilson and his masterpiece that is Pet Sounds should be right up there with the Greatest Albums Of All Time- the record that made the Beatles return to the studios and start work from scratch on Sgt Pepper’s. And, despite the stupid album cover artwork, why not?

(Source: Font Sinuse)

The Orson Welles of Pop who, for years, had produced sunshine California Pop like Fun, Fun, Fun, Help Me, Rhonda, and I Get Around, suddenly went into a dark place and created a suite of songs about lost love, confused love and innocence lost. He was Carolina No.

Brian Wilson had hinted about this musical isolation and his relationship with an abusive father with the B Sides of singles like In My Room, The Warmth Of The Sun and the brilliant Kiss Me Baby, but Pet Sounds was HIS record- his masterpiece and nothing to do with the Beach Boys.

He put so much of his life into this one record as his competitive spirit with, especially, Paul McCartney, escalated that he never recovered when Sgt Pepper’s was released and Pet Sounds was shuffled into being a bit part in the Pop Pantheon.

After writing Smile, the follow-up to Pet Sound which was never released, Brian Wilson quickly faded away, became reclusive, wrote songs on his grand piano in a sandbox, became obese and went through various therapies and drugs to get him out of his Howard Hughes state of mind.

Though still touring, it’s a patched up, literally half-deaf Humpty Dumpty there onstage with an army of hidden backup musicians keeping the Brian Wilson legend alive.

(Source: Telegraph)

If not for a publication like Rolling Stone and those pioneering Rock journalists, music fans who fed their minds with all this information and inspiration and studied and absorbed everything happening behind the obvious, the music would never have been respected, heard and listened to in the cathartic and religious way it was.

(Source: Dazed CDN)

This music, these musicians were, to many of us, our church, our religion, our heart, soul and we were willing apostles spreading the word.

We still are though the church is emptying fast with only people like Dave Grohl capable of bringing in a new congregation.

(Source: Deviant Art)

Last night, I watched a video of a ‘live’ performance by the amazing Sa Ding Ding and wondered what she’s up to and if her recording career with Universal Music was still heading North.

Who’s writing about this wonderful artist from China and all the other wonderful and creative artists around the world?

Sadly, not many as many of these artists are not on the radars of today’s lemmings masquerading as “music journalists”.

(Source: Stereo Mojo)

This is one of the main reasons music has been left in the hands of those who don’t make music.

These are businessmen who don’t live and breathe music, but who only see ways of making money from those whose art they rip off whereas lurking in the shadows are those other losers who drop names like bombs for their own devious agendas.

(Source: Empire Online)

Perhaps it’s still not too late to create a publication honest to music that’s not beholden to anyone, and being truly Indie, underground and over-ground without any false pretenses and stupid labels.

(Source: Fastnbulbous)

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