“You’ve got to be kidding … How can you call this “in”? A down syndrome kid trying swat a fly off his forehead is better than this garbage.”
So wrote in one of our readers under that age old punny pseudonym of “Mike Hunt”
Geddit? “Mikehunt?”
Some weird relative to Seymour Hair and Claude Balls?
Nah, we know who “Mike Hunt” really is.
Yes, we were taken to task by “Mike Hunt” who wrote in with the above comment for us making the new AXN series called “The Kitchen Musical” part of our “IN” category.
Well, it’s all relative, innit, Mike Hunt?
Let’s put it this way: How many productions from Asia – make that Singapore – have given one a stiffie?
We watched that shocker aired on STAR World a few years ago called “HP Space”- another Singaporean production – and it made our heads twirl faster than Linda Blair’s in “The Exorcist.”
It was fake, it was amateurish, it was Singlish, it was an embarrassment to one’s intelligence and it had no idea.
Who won HP Space?
We think someone spared viewers the result by pulling the plug on it before anyone noticed.
It gave us the s***s.
There was going to be another “reality” series by the same people to find Asia’s most creative advertising guru.
We think that bit the dust when the “creators” of the show realized that this beast simply does not exist.
Channel [V]’s AMP, some weirdly awful and terribly Singlish “comedy” series starring the late Lydia Shum have all made us Asian blush.
In Singapore, there are production houses like Freemantle.
Like Mark Burnett Productions.
What do these people actually do and produce?
Remember “Singapore Idol”? Bloody hell.
How awful was that?
And who can forget that talk show – yet another Singaporean production – hosted by our old mate Jon Niermann?
We try to. Every day.
Wasn’t it going to make a comeback?
Guess not.
Not even two tabs of Viagra could get it up again.
Speaking of John Niermann, it’s sure been spookily quiet on the BLUSH” front.
Look at every single MTV Asia production that has ever seen the light of day?
Cant look?
At least “The Kitchen Musical” LOOKS good.
Having only seen one show, all we know is that it makes “HP Space” look like “Avatar“ when it comes to production value.
How will it “travel” in the long run?
F*** knows.
We hear the guy behind the series is the same person we met years ago when he worked for MTV Asia.
Knowing this – or perhaps he’s improved – let’s just hope “The Kitchen Musical” doesn’t become a “Kitchen Nightmare”.
And more scary than anything featuring Gordon Ramsay.