The recordings were produced almost eight years ago, and we were paid for SOME of the work when heading up EMI Music Asia with that “legend” Norman Cheng and the scattered thinking of serial plonker Paul Robinson, who later popped up as one third of the infamous M1NT axis of evil. But the lack of any marketing or promotion for the tracks below, beg the question: In music, is EVERYTHING from Asia ignored by the Head Offices of music companies as Third World waffling only worthy of token gestures?
Okay, not all the recordings worked, or have stood the test of time, but there are some real gems here that are more relevant now, musically, than ever before.
Thanks to David Bowie, the management of Robbie Williams, Placebo and Gorillaz, and Yoko Ono for approving and supporting the work and to Morton Wilson from Schtung Music, and Ian Parkinson, below, for their creativity, input and belief.

Too bad, EMI Music thought none of the recordings were worth it and hobbled this work at the knees like a scene from “Reservoir Dog” and “Goodfellas.”
Perhaps it’s not too late for this work to finally be heard throughout the world?


Hans Ebert Chairman and CEO We-Enhance Inc and Fast Track Global Ltd www.fasttrack.hk

Robbie Williams feat Asha Bhosle

Kayne West

Nelly Furtado feat Asha Bhosle

Micheal Learns To Rock feat Cui Jian

Stewart Mac

Chep Lap Kok-ed Up Terminal Wei Ling Mix
