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The new way of looking at horse racing


How many out there know about the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities?

We’re betting that there won’t be many- certainly those who have recently returned to the family flock after studies in Canada, the US and the UK and are, ironically, part of the HKJC’s Happy Wednesday Generation.

(Source: Facebook)

After all, when the HKJC name is mentioned and the JC standing for Jockey Club- you were expecting Jesus Christ?- the Club’s charity work is completely overshadowed by horse racing which goes hand in hand to many with that taboo word called “gambling.”

It reminds us of any superhero who has his real identity for the world to see and a secret one where they become a Batman, a Superman, a Spider Man or an Iron Man. But that’s all fantasy stuff.

(Source: Static IBN Live)

The double personalities of the HKJC is something very real and relevant that needs to be unmasked, especially at a time when Hong Kong is going through a lack of confidence in the government, corruption in big business being revealed on an almost daily basis and a city suffering from a lack of an identity.

(Source: SCMP)

We have no idea what the Hong Kong Tourist Association or government organizations like InvestHK are doing, but whatever it is, it’s not enough. It’s certainly not exactly inspiring anyone.

What was once rubbished by many in this city as “Swingabore” is kicking sand in our faces while also kicking us in the financial groin.

Over the past few years, the perception- and perception is king- is that Singapore is this vibrant la la city attracting foreign investment- much of it from Hong Kong- with an exciting nightlife, concerts by International artists because of no lack of venues and the media centre of Asia- which it is.

(Source: Asia City)

It’s a non-stop media assault heard worldwide of a “Swinging Singapore”- a young Singapore offering everyone so many different la la opportunities though we all know that media hype is hardly ever true. However, hype can inspire and create incorrect perceptions.

(Source: Law UMK)

Unless having one of those outrageous expat packages, living and working in the new, improved Singapore is still living in the old robotic la la Singapore- and which is unbearable.

It’s also where the workings of the government remain a mysterious deeper shade of grey with those doing their bidding and spreading the good gospel about the city often being brainwashed and lacking the courage of their la la convictions.

Still, compared to today’s Hong Kong, today’s Singapore is an “union” of Super heroes whereas Hong Kong  clings to the ghost of Bruce Lee and the pathetic Lee family feud with nothing new being created. There is nothing to inspire anyone.

(Source: My Tour)

Hell, even that old bore Jackie Chan, once Hong Kong’s Tourism Ambassador, has moved most of his businesses to Singapore. Talk about giving Hong Kong a kick in the teeth- and losing face.

(Source: Apple Daily)

Don’t get us started on the worthless, toothless and mindless CreateHK, its supposed leader and what this government organization is supposedly doing for Hong Kong’s creative community: Nothing much and with those running this waste of time still raking in millions for doing nothing.

(Source: HKCTC)

And then we have the HKJC Charities which gives so much to Hong Kong yet  remains one of the city’s biggest secrets- and, for once, a secret that needs to be revealed through a very focused marketing blitz.

(Source: HKJC)

Here is a product that does not need any bells or whistles or needless hype.

The product, the results speak for themselves.

It now just needs to be heard- and understood- and relaunched with New Thinking and with its work not hidden on the HKJC website and old-fashioned advertorials that are the communications equivalent to Muzak.

With horse racing, the HKJC has put Hong Kong on the map by making the sport the best in the world with two of the greatest racecourses in the world.

(Source: Racing Post)

(Source: Racing Post)

The HKJC has also elevated itself into being more than another “racing club”.

It’s in a different league compared to racing clubs in Australia, the UK and Europe that are plodding along to keep their heads above water.

The HKJC is quickly becoming a product that can compete with other sports and the bigger world of entertainment. It’s inspiring stuff. It’s pride of ownership for Hong Kong.

This is not some lofty objective. It’s happening now and can only help to give the image of Hong Kong a much-needed USP and facelift.

This can only help give the city something it’s always lacked: a personality.

(Source: Penny Turko)

With the HKJC being the city’s largest taxpayer in return for its gambling license, the HKJC Charities should be seen more than being a tame theme line under the totalizator board saying, “Racing For Charity.”

We don’t even know what that means. Only former HKJC CEO Larry “My shirt collar is too tight” Wong knows the answer as this is a leftover from his reign of pomp and little circumstance.

(Source: HKJC)

With the big attendances at both race courses, the HKJC has today one of the best advertising mediums.

In a commercial world and if not for the hardened and hard-assed punter, the massive Diamonvision screens at both tracks would be attracting advertising every race day and becoming a new business revenue stream.

(Source: HKJC)

Though this will not happen- maybe- these screens, which, we believe, are under-utilized, can work very effectively to show those at the track, at least the latest contributions to Hong Kong by the HKJC Charities through short-form videos and without upsetting the hardcore racing fans’ infotainment.

There are also the various CCTVs in both tracks that almost beg for some different content as they stare at you from everywhere like a George Lucas wet dream and screening the same things. It’s visual overkill.

(Source: Market Watch)

Why not have the same short-form commercials aired through a few of these screens?

Why not also utilize the screens at every off-course betting centre?

(Source: HKJC)

More than anything else, the HKJC Charities need a creative transfusion and a kiss of life.

Financing and opening buildings for the elderly, new facilities for the Arts etc are noble achievements which should not be pushed into the background.

But, at least to us, ONE new project that will make every stand up and take notice- and participate- is what’s also needed.

The South China Morning Post recently tried a new project for “the community” and it flopped.

A similar campaign by the Li Ka-shing Foundation met a similar eerie silence.

These campaigns about, basically, how to make Hong Kong “better” doesn’t “fit” a city going through such changes these days- an angry, frustrated city against the government, greedy landlords, Manila and the aftermath of the bus tragedy, the callous way the elderly are treated etc and with Occupy Central hovering above.

(Source: SNB)

The Club’s management and results of the old Central Police Station is some time away. We have no reservations that this project will succeed for the city and do much for the HKJC to be seen as an organization that can be more than only about horse racing.

But right here and now, its Charities needs to create and launch a positive campaign that brings the local creative community together- artists, photographers, dance troupes, musicians, designers etc- and, perhaps, create a new picture of Hong Kong using every medium at our disposal that will inspire us all.

That’s what’s needed in Hong Kong today: INSPIRATION.

And if this can be linked to horse racing in some unique way and be seen around the world, even better.

(Source: Lillyb Music)

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